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ilikeplanets 10-30-2022 01:54 PM

I don't think so, I think he was a bit of an oddball. He kept commenting how nice my kids were and that he wanted a wife and family. And how I "deserved" to be taken out, and that I'm such a happy person. All this from seeing me in the context of making a major purchase over the course of just a few hours. I probably dodged a bullet. And yes, he did slash the price a bit. Just a weird experience, but I've been wistful for a partner lately and was willing to give it one date just in case he was rambling out of nervousness.

slunken 10-30-2022 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4607467)
Why be rude tho

i wasn't trying to be nasty. i just don't think it was appropriate for someone selling you a car to be asking you out. i think i mentioned this before but salesmen are not to be trusted. ever.

slunken 10-30-2022 07:04 PM

like i'm sorry if this turd got your hopes up

ilikeplanets 10-30-2022 07:45 PM

He absolutely didn't, I'm kind but I'm cold

slunken 10-30-2022 09:48 PM

i'm attracted to this ugly goth girl at [this place where i go] but because of appropriate workplace behavior we're never going to be able to hook up

teh b0lly!!1 10-31-2022 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4607526)
salesmen are not to be trusted. ever.

Most interactions every person has in this day and age are in some way, shape or form, a sales pitch.

And I agree.

ilikeplanets 10-31-2022 11:46 AM

I don't even understand why cars have to be purchased the way they do. I needed zero interaction to get the one I wanted, except for a test drive. I was already decided before I drove to the lot, and knew the particulars of how I'd be financing. Why go through it that way?

I hate dealing with realtors and the whole process of buying/selling a house, too. It seems pointless to add another party to the mix. Especially since that party is highly motivated by commission.

vixnix 11-01-2022 05:25 AM

I think the universe was protecting you from dating a salesman and you dodged a bullet. I feel like the dating pool is so weirdly small where you are now. When you move back to the East Coast and to somewhere a bit more urban everything will be miles better. I know what it’s like to entertain the thought of dating someone who wouldn’t be a blip on your radar normally. I went to an all girls high school and had a crush on a teacher who looked like Ned Flanders. He was just…all there was available, to think about.

vixnix 11-01-2022 05:27 AM

I’m so sleep deprived. I get less than 5 hours of sleep a night, usually, and I just can’t keep it up

You guys ever start taking everything personally when you’re tired? I keep coming home from work with a massively bruised ego feeling like I want another job.

But I think it’s just the exhaustion, making me take things personally that aren’t really personal. I feel like an adolescent again

ilikeplanets 11-01-2022 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4607707)
I think the universe was protecting you from dating a salesman and you dodged a bullet. I feel like the dating pool is so weirdly small where you are now. When you move back to the East Coast and to somewhere a bit more urban everything will be miles better. I know what it’s like to entertain the thought of dating someone who wouldn’t be a blip on your radar normally. I went to an all girls high school and had a crush on a teacher who looked like Ned Flanders. He was just…all there was available, to think about.

As long as I stay sane and refuse to entertain thoughts of contacting my disastrous ex husband, who tries to initiate with me every other month since being released from jail, then I'm going to be fine. It's easy to quickly dismiss someone bad for you if you don't have a history, or a child together. But our history was incredibly unhealthy, and he was never a part of raising that child. Sometimes I almost put on rose colored glasses when I am worn out from work + kids + personal issues, and I imagine what would have happened if I had chosen a better guy initially. But I'll never jeopardize my kids or all the progress I've made, so I'm going to have to wait it out until I can put more time/energy into pursuing a compatible (and sexy!) person.

ilikeplanets 11-01-2022 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4607708)
I’m so sleep deprived. I get less than 5 hours of sleep a night, usually, and I just can’t keep it up

You guys ever start taking everything personally when you’re tired? I keep coming home from work with a massively bruised ego feeling like I want another job.

But I think it’s just the exhaustion, making me take things personally that aren’t really personal. I feel like an adolescent again

I only get about 6 hours through the week, because I stay up for 2 hours after the kids are asleep so I can have some me time and I refuse to trade it for sleep. I don't get especially grouchy from this, luckily. But I'm trying to lose the baby weight and I cannot tolerate being hungry very well. I have to stop myself from being a total psycho and go grab a veggie plate! :rofl:

Are there any possible solutions for you? A different schedule? Asking your husband to help with specific things? I know it can be SO draining.

Disco King 11-01-2022 11:48 AM

You know how there's "No Nut November" or "Dry January" or whatever? I think I really need to do a version of that, but for time-wasting bullshit that I use to procrastinate but that rarely actually brings fulfillment.

I can spend literal hours surfing the web doing nothing in particular. Then I wonder where all the time went and feel like my life is slipping through my fingers without me just getting done the shit I want to do in life. Also, I'm trading the momentary relief of drawing my attention away from difficult shit I have to do for the much greater anxiety that comes later when it becomes an unavoidable fact that I'm behind on everything.

So, for the month of November, I think I'll just totally block time-wasting sites. I know that what's more likely than me suddenly becoming uber productive is me just switching to other forms of procrastination, but hey, even that seems more healthy than refreshing Reddit for a dopamine hit. Maybe it will cause me to watch an actual movie and then have something to talk with other people about.

>If you're blocking time-wasting sites, then why are you here?

At this point, this board moves so slowly that it's not really possible to waste all day on it, anyway.

ilikeplanets 11-01-2022 12:00 PM

Let me know how it goes. I tried to have an entire day without internet use in early October, excluding what I needed for work, and failed about 8 hours in. Pathetic. I was physically uncomfortable without clicking something. That's actually pretty alarming.

Disco King 11-01-2022 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by slunken (Post 4607536)
i'm attracted to this ugly goth girl at [this place where i go] but because of appropriate workplace behavior we're never going to be able to hook up

In general, it is bad form to ask out people who are on the job. Them being paid to be nice to you mean you put them in an awkward position if they have to reject you.

But I have gone out with women that I met at their workplaces. It's just, you have to be vibing enough to be super certain that they are signaling interest and aren't just being professionally nice.

So, often, we just kinda apply it as a blanket rule that "you NEVER do this" to err on the side of caution because most of us dudes (me included, those few dates were exceptional circumstances) are fucking stupid and can't read body language.


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4607434)
Nowhere fast lol
G h o s t e d

But hey i know where he works if I ever get mad about it.

Even though I should be used to it not because it's just a fact about modern dating, I still feel indignant about ghosting. I will never just take them in stride.

I mean, obviously I don't confront/try to contact the ghoster or do anything psycho. I just stew about it instead of being one of those healthy folks who are all "I don't care or take it personally, c'est la vie, it says more about them than it does about me, I dodged a bullet 🦋🌈." Like, fuck that, Imma pout.


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4607479)
slunken/joey goldberg is so being so dirty and rude to you right now. you don't deserve that mess

Wait… do you think Goldberg is slunken's alt? I mean, it could be that you're saying "they are both doing X" instead of "one and the same person who goes by two names is doing X," but the fact that you sed "is" instead of "are" makes it seem like the latter.

Like… they are clearly different entities. They don't even post the same.

And I'm not just saying this because I am both of them, as well as five or six other user on this board, and I'm trying to gaslight you. I would never do that.

Disco King 11-01-2022 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4607733)
Let me know how it goes. I tried to have an entire day without internet use in early October, excluding what I needed for work, and failed about 8 hours in. Pathetic. I was physically uncomfortable without clicking something. That's actually pretty alarming.

Yeah, we do develop quite a dependence on it. I'm just always thinking of how much of my life is spent on shit I don't really care about. It doesn't even seem like "self-care" or true leisure or whatever to do pointless nonsense (at least to the extent that I do it), because even if it feels comfortable in the moment, it's never followed with a rewarding or fulfilling feeling of "I'm glad I did that and I feel better now," like one gets from engaging in a hobby or reading or taking a stroll through nature. Instead, it's followed by the same kind of feeling one gets when one gorges oneself on Twizzlers and Oreos. "I like shit now; why tf did I let myself do that?"

ilikeplanets 11-01-2022 12:25 PM

I get completely different enjoyment from slunk and j goldy, I don't believe them to be the same. Unless S is good enough to radically change his tone, vocabulary, and opinions.

Elphenor 11-01-2022 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4607732)
You know how there's "No Nut November" or "Dry January" or whatever? I think I really need to do a version of that, but for time-wasting bullshit that I use to procrastinate but that rarely actually brings fulfillment.

I can spend literal hours surfing the web doing nothing in particular. Then I wonder where all the time went and feel like my life is slipping through my fingers without me just getting done the shit I want to do in life. Also, I'm trading the momentary relief of drawing my attention away from difficult shit I have to do for the much greater anxiety that comes later when it becomes an unavoidable fact that I'm behind on everything.

So, for the month of November, I think I'll just totally block time-wasting sites. I know that what's more likely than me suddenly becoming uber productive is me just switching to other forms of procrastination, but hey, even that seems more healthy than refreshing Reddit for a dopamine hit. Maybe it will cause me to watch an actual movie and then have something to talk with other people about.

>If you're blocking time-wasting sites, then why are you here?

At this point, this board moves so slowly that it's not really possible to waste all day on it, anyway.

the answer is to just book yourself so tight with obligations that you don't have time

most of my internet time is at work now on my phone though, because there is an unavoidable amount of down time

Disco King 11-01-2022 02:12 PM

I feel like it's more than a matter of just keeping busy. Between grad school, the two bands, my job, and boxing lessons, I am a pretty busy person who finds it hard to schedule in stuff.

And even though I have precious little time, I still find myself making myself have even less time by procrastinating.

vixnix 11-01-2022 06:24 PM

Time wasting on the internet is like junk food for my mind. It’s an activity that I can’t get wrong or screw up, where there is no time pressure and no deadlines and no second guessing if I did the right thing. It’s very addictive because my real life is messy and complicated and hard and full of mistakes and a crippling level of cringe

vixnix 11-01-2022 06:25 PM

Escaping into it is like a little taste of heaven, where there are no alarm clocks or managers and no climate change and growing social and economic inequality

vixnix 11-01-2022 06:27 PM

I’m going to just let myself have it. It’s sad to be unproductive in my free time. But it’s what keeps me productive in my work time, and I have no choice about working, so it’s an important part of what keeps me functioning I guess

yo soy el mejor 11-02-2022 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4607734)
In general, it is bad form to ask out people who are on the job. Them being paid to be nice to you mean you put them in an awkward position if they have to reject you.

But I have gone out with women that I met at their workplaces. It's just, you have to be vibing enough to be super certain that they are signaling interest and aren't just being professionally nice.

So, often, we just kinda apply it as a blanket rule that "you NEVER do this" to err on the side of caution because most of us dudes (me included, those few dates were exceptional circumstances) are fucking stupid and can't read body language.

Even though I should be used to it not because it's just a fact about modern dating, I still feel indignant about ghosting. I will never just take them in stride.

I mean, obviously I don't confront/try to contact the ghoster or do anything psycho. I just stew about it instead of being one of those healthy folks who are all "I don't care or take it personally, c'est la vie, it says more about them than it does about me, I dodged a bullet ����." Like, fuck that, Imma pout.

Wait… do you think Goldberg is slunken's alt? I mean, it could be that you're saying "they are both doing X" instead of "one and the same person who goes by two names is doing X," but the fact that you sed "is" instead of "are" makes it seem like the latter.

Like… they are clearly different entities. They don't even post the same.

And I'm not just saying this because I am both of them, as well as five or six other user on this board, and I'm trying to gaslight you. I would never do that.

no, i'm p sure he told me once that j goldberg was his other acct. i've had an alt acct no one knew was me until i posted as myself by accident or some junk. you're not gaslighting me, you're just full of crap.

it's not so spectacular to not "post the same", is it? it's not like handwriting.

btw, i would only say it's cool to ask a girl out who is working if you are working yourself...not like a co-worker type thing, cause ew, been there and don't wanna do that again.

but a guy who worked next door to me would come in on his lunch break for coffee and he did ask me out eventually or invited me to a party at his place. turned out to be a super creep who did ask me to leave his apartment when i refused anything least he didn't rape or attack me though. oof. actually, leave all girls alone and let them come to you.

i called him a creep to and took a cab home with the quickness and def did not pout about it.

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 12:59 AM

BRB gonna go see if slunken and Joey Goldberg have ever replied to each other

smashingjj 11-02-2022 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4607812)
no, i'm p sure he told me once that j goldberg was his other acct.

interesting. I was always pretty convinced that Crabshack was Joey Goldberg's other account, and Slunken was Mals Marola.

smashingjj 11-02-2022 07:02 AM

in fact let me just go check those ip addresses

smashingjj 11-02-2022 07:03 AM

damn, turns out you're right. slunken= joey Goldberg. well done, slunk/joey.

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 11:05 AM

vix, your oldest is an actual Pumpkins fan now, huh? I've seen at least 2 pics of him in a Zero shirt. Please tell me he isn't listening to ATUM.

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 11:07 AM

I always thought Joey was smarter than slunken

smashingjj 11-02-2022 12:09 PM

Sure seemed that way!

teh b0lly!!1 11-02-2022 01:53 PM

Always figured JG was an alt and sort of like a pisstake on rbg's character

Joey Goldberg 11-02-2022 02:20 PM

guys i am sorry i did not realize i was this fellow boarder the whole time, i feel bad for deceiving you all for so long but i will be checking myself into the appropriate facilities today

and when i return, yes, i will be making an ama thread in which i a no a's

Joey Goldberg 11-02-2022 02:20 PM

in my mind i'm EVERYONE

FoolofaTook 11-02-2022 03:34 PM

Love it! :)

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 04:28 PM

Can we vote on which one stays?

smashingjj 11-02-2022 04:31 PM


FoolofaTook 11-02-2022 04:32 PM

A. Slunken
B. Joey
C. FoolofaTook
D. FoolofaTook's Dad

Joey Goldberg 11-02-2022 07:59 PM

do i have to start campaigning

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 08:03 PM

Can you imagine losing an account with over 40k posts

ilikeplanets 11-02-2022 08:10 PM

Trots where r u

vixnix 11-03-2022 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4607835)
vix, your oldest is an actual Pumpkins fan now, huh? I've seen at least 2 pics of him in a Zero shirt. Please tell me he isn't listening to ATUM.

Yeah, he actually is. He also has a Mellon Collie shirt. He bought both t-shirts with his own money. I don’t think he listens to anything except that and Siamese Dream, though.

Not listening to ATUM that I know of. I had to look up what it was.

For the last 10 years, I have cared more about knowing what netphorians are up to, than what the smashing pumpkins are up to

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