View Full Version : General Chat Archive
- Sign up here for Netphoria Survivor Series 2
- whats your most memorable gaming moment?
- Kurt's suicide on Unsolved Mysteries
- Pro-life people never have good arguments
- Snow blades...
- natzi
- Black Hawk Down
- lie.....
- people you can't stand on netphoria
- Real World: Netphoria
- So there's 90% chance of me losing my virginity tonite
- So, Battle of the Bands was last night
- Blah Blah Blah (i got head) blah blah blah
- Racism, Probably a repeat
- things you dont understand about girls
- Worst FUCKING movie EVER :
- you fucktards who think that film school gives you more right to have an opinion....
- funny simpsons quotes
- The line between love and sex
- what ever happened to...
- Your guide to playing SNES games on your computer (and online)
- john bonser is dead
- Your Guide to N64 Emulation
- Alcohol v. Marijuana
- 2002 Oscar Noms to be announced today
- olympic bitching topic #3: CRYING BECAUSE YOU GOT A SILVER MEDAL!!!
- my exboyfriend thinks as highly of me as you guys do!!
- ways for college kids to make money
- ways for college kids to make money
- If you could eliminate one person from history....
- Double Standards For Bi People?
- Your Guide to Control Pads (for your PC)
- netphorian SNES tournament
- wtf does *** mean?? *runs away and hides*....
- Fuck. Girls.
- admit stuff here
- Wiggers
- Post pictures of your currency!
- who on this board would you like to meet?
- 100 Greatest/Most Memorable Netphoria Moments
- Canada: 3 - Hillbilly's: 2
- The official Canada vs. USA men's hockey final thread
- POPULARITY POST! Favorite Netphorians?
- 2=1
- sitting at the computer when you still have a condom on
- Is it me or do we need to wake the fuck up?
- top 50 girl names in the US
- now playing.
- Drugs taken this week?
- This September 11th Documentary
- racist jokes are fun
- Imitate other Netphorians here
- what do you dip your french fries in?
- Let's Talk Baseball: Twenty Questions for 2002
- Have any of you read about this?
- Corgan's Biggest Blunder
- Corgan's Biggest Blunder
- my parents called me a fag today
- Andrew Pakula, Please ban the following people
- Girls that wear thongs to school
- Mandy posted on the music board.
- Rank the ladies of the WWF (pics included)
- Why did YOU start smoking (cigarettes)?
- what's your prison bitch name, bitch?
- recommend a movie
- Niki porn!
- The US cuts off ties with Israel
- drown or hummer?
- fuck israel
- Coke vs. Pepsi
- best television theme song?
- kurt cobain
- Netphorians with remarkably good grammar
- Smegma
- What will your last words be?
- The Stand is a great book.
- NowPlaying?
- what would u do if your girlfriend said she was Bi?
- What's so great about Travis Meeks?
- All time favorite movie scenes
- prom. with a guy. DONT THINK SO.
- Who's never smoked pot?
- 20,000th post RAVE party.
- The most frightening creature on earth?
- Drama kids are fucking primadonnas.
- Girlfriend/Boyfriend appreciation post
- post a few of your favorite quotes
- i decided that i needed a thread on the first page
- Should I get tested even though I'm a virgin?
- sexy accents.
- standard topic #235 what do you consider romantic?
- the worst thing about being a girl
- Things you hate about your body...
- Should morpheus and napsterish programs be outlawed altogether?
- Internet Abbreviations that you hate
- A fairly naive question concerning a chick's time of the month and sexual behavior:
- Vegan couple nearly starves child
- D'oh: Are 'The Simpsons' leaving soon?
- the mac vs. pc argument
- Well, looks like USA doesn't want any friends at all in the world.
- Why do you think that throughout history, people have disliked the jews?
- How tall are you?
- Does everyone here like Smashing Pumpkins?
- lossing your best freind
- Movies that everyone loves but you just don't get...
- so, what do you want to do, career-wise?
- Do Americans play any sport where they actually play other countries?
- crying until it physically hurts...
- your fast food order,,
- Does choking turn you on?
- Who is this Vacancy character?
- friends who kill themselves
- Favorite them
- What's the point of declaring war on terrorism
- names you just don't get
- I'm so not down with animal cruelty
- Nader for president
- we wanna know what you're listening to! (NP)
- Any of you fuckers an only child?
- What're they going to do now that Ground Zero has been cleared? Rebuild . . . ?
- The most unpopular Netphorian/s?
- Best TV Theme Songs:
- Quarterly "What do you think about me?" post
- How often do you want/have sex?
- What do you want to know about me?!?!? (inspired by ******)
- hey girls.
- Favourite names
- ****** has started a trend...
- What is the worst movie of all time?
- well its a good thing people want to detonate radioactive bombs on the US
- Pleasant bar-style hangout thread free of political discussion
- id hit it
- would you father a lesbian couples baby?
- RE: Yesterday's Netphorians
- reversal: i'll tell you what i think of you
- women who wear thongs (i guess men, too)
- if netphoria had a potluck dinner type thing...
- Do you spare change for the homeless?
- if you could design your own video game, what would it be like?
- Nickelodeon to air program on same sex parenting despite massive protests
- fat people to pay for two seats on southwest airlines
- Proofs for the existence of God (discuss)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 Appreciation Post
- reccomend a movie!
- this guy needs a girlfriend
- If Netphoria was a videogame....
- netphoria senior superlatives
- flirting witht the idea of relocating.
- SNs are self fulfilling prophecies
- This post is about titilating hummus
- a book topic
- Sega CD: remember that piece of crap?
- How can I convince my parents to let me go to Vegas?
- it is time to find out what you're listening to
- Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional
- Have you ever been in love?
- So I work in a casino now.
- For the love of christ, I AM gay!
- Famous People: Please stop naming your children "Lola".
- Conservatives Vs. Liberals on this board...
- what is your greatest fear
- I hate vegans!
- I'm pulling a Lucas McDermott and going on a mission to...
- Coolest Thread Ever!
- I'm in Toronto, Canada baybee!
- New Missouri Law Requires Public Schools To Recite Pledge Once A Week
- Do you have any weird Obessive/Complusive Disorder habits?
- I think my girlfriend may be cheating on me....
- michael jackson says the record industry is racist
- Your state/province/country's claim(s) to fame.
- Which celebrities would you be most compatible with?
- School vouchers: For or against?
- When your friends are completely fucking retarded...
- life's a bummer
- Isketch?
- Sesame Street to introduce HIV positive muppet
- Where have you lived and when?
- Those new Apple commercials
- Are you a high maintenance girl?
- When did you first post on Netphoria and what usernames have you used?
- Man arrested for burning kitten on grill
- Kelly Osbourne is really not attractrive...
- A Better topic: How old were you when you lost your virginity?
- virgins only post
- the stupidest thing I've seen today.
- Bill O'Reilly is scum:
- When Mormons come to your house and try to steal your shit...
- When Mormons come to your house and try to steal your shit...
- magic the gathering: do you enjoy seeing the blood splatter 'cross my chin?
- the billy's daughter hoax - why and how i did it
- Post haiku about other Netphorians!
- Did you guys see Clinton on Letterman?
- jean chretien:
- poll: whats the scariest movie youve ever seen?
- Why does Andrew_Pakula have an underscore in his name?
- so how many of you DON'T own a cell phone now?
- UT2003 Demo
- what's exciting in Virginia?
- vanilla coke or pepsi blue?
- Well, I just started Chiropractic school...
- does anyone else go to movies alone?
- Pic Post! Yuo!!
- netphorian impersonation time
- Illinois thrift stores
- Anybody know anything about tazers?
- Gays in here
- A compilation of the worst avatars
- You know the Left is really coming around when...
- Flip flops and 50 degree weather do not mix.
- UBB>> Petition for board an upgrade
- Biggest netphorian idiots?
- I'm Not Sure Who's Who
- I figured out why Applebee's is creepy
- Starcraft is like sex
- I just updated the Photo Album
- World Bank Protesters
- WTF? I just got a letter from the Collection Agency (attn: CANADIANS)
- Animal Crossing...Starfox
- Elisabeth
- GI Joe
- so what are your plans for tonite?
- for anyone who's ever played or watched people play d+d
- What kind of car do you drive?
- how do i fix an ingrown hair
- Here you go kids
- I need to know what the weather like in New York early October.
- How much money would it take for you to...
- The BIGGEST thing to ever hit my town...happens tomorrow!
- Hey Canadians is this true?
- two in the goo, one in the poo
- What should I fall asleep to tonight?
- hahaha, not a good idea to warn Daft IM :o/
- she don't lie she don't lie she don't lie
- Netphoria needs more sex topics.
- animal guy on conan
- Holy shit. A Senegalese ferry sank; they think 760 people are dead.
- using the fuzzy logic, it's irrelevant that you mayfuck an ugly krazee pumpkin
- if you lose yourself
- What the FUCK (again)
- I don't wanna be like the others please
- I miss boobs...
- Bluestar=Mama's Family Mama
- Dawsons Creek Pic Post
- Last night, I was letting my drunken friend talk to my online buddiez!!
- Last night, I was letting my drunken friend talk to my online buddiez!!
- Samantha, answer your phone.
- bad ass screen shot i just took
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