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  1. Sign up here for Netphoria Survivor Series 2
  2. whats your most memorable gaming moment?
  3. Kurt's suicide on Unsolved Mysteries
  4. Pro-life people never have good arguments
  5. Snow blades...
  6. natzi
  7. Black Hawk Down
  8. lie.....
  9. people you can't stand on netphoria
  10. Real World: Netphoria
  11. So there's 90% chance of me losing my virginity tonite
  12. So, Battle of the Bands was last night
  13. Blah Blah Blah (i got head) blah blah blah
  14. Racism, Probably a repeat
  15. things you dont understand about girls
  16. Worst FUCKING movie EVER :
  17. you fucktards who think that film school gives you more right to have an opinion....
  18. funny simpsons quotes
  19. The line between love and sex
  20. what ever happened to...
  21. Your guide to playing SNES games on your computer (and online)
  22. john bonser is dead
  23. Your Guide to N64 Emulation
  24. Alcohol v. Marijuana
  25. 2002 Oscar Noms to be announced today
  26. olympic bitching topic #3: CRYING BECAUSE YOU GOT A SILVER MEDAL!!!
  27. my exboyfriend thinks as highly of me as you guys do!!
  28. ways for college kids to make money
  29. ways for college kids to make money
  30. If you could eliminate one person from history....
  31. Double Standards For Bi People?
  32. Your Guide to Control Pads (for your PC)
  33. netphorian SNES tournament
  34. wtf does *** mean?? *runs away and hides*....
  35. Fuck. Girls.
  36. admit stuff here
  37. Wiggers
  38. Post pictures of your currency!
  39. who on this board would you like to meet?
  40. 100 Greatest/Most Memorable Netphoria Moments
  41. Canada: 3 - Hillbilly's: 2
  42. The official Canada vs. USA men's hockey final thread
  43. POPULARITY POST! Favorite Netphorians?
  44. 2=1
  45. sitting at the computer when you still have a condom on
  46. Is it me or do we need to wake the fuck up?
  47. top 50 girl names in the US
  48. now playing.
  49. Drugs taken this week?
  50. This September 11th Documentary
  51. racist jokes are fun
  52. Imitate other Netphorians here
  53. what do you dip your french fries in?
  54. Let's Talk Baseball: Twenty Questions for 2002
  55. Have any of you read about this?
  56. Corgan's Biggest Blunder
  57. Corgan's Biggest Blunder
  58. my parents called me a fag today
  59. Andrew Pakula, Please ban the following people
  60. Girls that wear thongs to school
  61. Mandy posted on the music board.
  62. Rank the ladies of the WWF (pics included)
  63. Why did YOU start smoking (cigarettes)?
  64. what's your prison bitch name, bitch?
  65. recommend a movie
  66. Niki porn!
  67. The US cuts off ties with Israel
  68. drown or hummer?
  69. fuck israel
  70. Coke vs. Pepsi
  71. best television theme song?
  72. kurt cobain
  73. Netphorians with remarkably good grammar
  74. Smegma
  75. What will your last words be?
  76. The Stand is a great book.
  77. NowPlaying?
  78. what would u do if your girlfriend said she was Bi?
  79. What's so great about Travis Meeks?
  80. All time favorite movie scenes
  81. prom. with a guy. DONT THINK SO.
  82. Who's never smoked pot?
  83. 20,000th post RAVE party.
  84. The most frightening creature on earth?
  85. Drama kids are fucking primadonnas.
  86. Girlfriend/Boyfriend appreciation post
  87. post a few of your favorite quotes
  88. i decided that i needed a thread on the first page
  89. Should I get tested even though I'm a virgin?
  90. sexy accents.
  91. standard topic #235 what do you consider romantic?
  92. the worst thing about being a girl
  93. Things you hate about your body...
  94. Should morpheus and napsterish programs be outlawed altogether?
  95. Internet Abbreviations that you hate
  96. A fairly naive question concerning a chick's time of the month and sexual behavior:
  97. Vegan couple nearly starves child
  98. D'oh: Are 'The Simpsons' leaving soon?
  99. the mac vs. pc argument
  100. Well, looks like USA doesn't want any friends at all in the world.
  101. Why do you think that throughout history, people have disliked the jews?
  102. How tall are you?
  103. Does everyone here like Smashing Pumpkins?
  104. lossing your best freind
  105. Movies that everyone loves but you just don't get...
  106. so, what do you want to do, career-wise?
  107. Do Americans play any sport where they actually play other countries?
  108. crying until it physically hurts...
  109. your fast food order,,
  110. Does choking turn you on?
  111. Who is this Vacancy character?
  112. friends who kill themselves
  113. Favorite them
  114. What's the point of declaring war on terrorism
  116. names you just don't get
  117. I'm so not down with animal cruelty
  118. Nader for president
  119. we wanna know what you're listening to! (NP)
  120. Any of you fuckers an only child?
  121. What're they going to do now that Ground Zero has been cleared? Rebuild . . . ?
  122. The most unpopular Netphorian/s?
  123. Best TV Theme Songs:
  124. Quarterly "What do you think about me?" post
  125. How often do you want/have sex?
  126. What do you want to know about me?!?!? (inspired by ******)
  127. hey girls.
  128. Favourite names
  129. ****** has started a trend...
  130. What is the worst movie of all time?
  131. well its a good thing people want to detonate radioactive bombs on the US
  132. Pleasant bar-style hangout thread free of political discussion
  133. id hit it
  134. would you father a lesbian couples baby?
  135. RE: Yesterday's Netphorians
  136. reversal: i'll tell you what i think of you
  137. women who wear thongs (i guess men, too)
  138. if netphoria had a potluck dinner type thing...
  139. Do you spare change for the homeless?
  140. if you could design your own video game, what would it be like?
  141. Nickelodeon to air program on same sex parenting despite massive protests
  142. fat people to pay for two seats on southwest airlines
  143. Proofs for the existence of God (discuss)
  144. Super Mario Bros. 3 Appreciation Post
  145. reccomend a movie!
  146. this guy needs a girlfriend
  147. If Netphoria was a videogame....
  148. netphoria senior superlatives
  149. flirting witht the idea of relocating.
  150. SNs are self fulfilling prophecies
  151. This post is about titilating hummus
  152. a book topic
  153. Sega CD: remember that piece of crap?
  154. How can I convince my parents to let me go to Vegas?
  155. it is time to find out what you're listening to
  156. Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional
  157. Have you ever been in love?
  158. So I work in a casino now.
  159. For the love of christ, I AM gay!
  160. Famous People: Please stop naming your children "Lola".
  161. Conservatives Vs. Liberals on this board...
  162. what is your greatest fear
  163. I hate vegans!
  164. I'm pulling a Lucas McDermott and going on a mission to...
  165. Coolest Thread Ever!
  166. I'm in Toronto, Canada baybee!
  167. New Missouri Law Requires Public Schools To Recite Pledge Once A Week
  168. Do you have any weird Obessive/Complusive Disorder habits?
  169. I think my girlfriend may be cheating on me....
  170. michael jackson says the record industry is racist
  171. Your state/province/country's claim(s) to fame.
  172. Which celebrities would you be most compatible with?
  173. School vouchers: For or against?
  174. When your friends are completely fucking retarded...
  175. life's a bummer
  176. Isketch?
  177. Sesame Street to introduce HIV positive muppet
  178. Where have you lived and when?
  179. Those new Apple commercials
  180. Are you a high maintenance girl?
  181. When did you first post on Netphoria and what usernames have you used?
  182. Man arrested for burning kitten on grill
  183. Kelly Osbourne is really not attractrive...
  184. A Better topic: How old were you when you lost your virginity?
  185. virgins only post
  186. the stupidest thing I've seen today.
  187. Bill O'Reilly is scum:
  188. When Mormons come to your house and try to steal your shit...
  189. When Mormons come to your house and try to steal your shit...
  190. magic the gathering: do you enjoy seeing the blood splatter 'cross my chin?
  191. the billy's daughter hoax - why and how i did it
  192. Post haiku about other Netphorians!
  193. Did you guys see Clinton on Letterman?
  194. jean chretien:
  195. poll: whats the scariest movie youve ever seen?
  196. Why does Andrew_Pakula have an underscore in his name?
  197. so how many of you DON'T own a cell phone now?
  198. UT2003 Demo
  199. what's exciting in Virginia?
  200. vanilla coke or pepsi blue?
  201. Well, I just started Chiropractic school...
  202. does anyone else go to movies alone?
  203. Pic Post! Yuo!!
  204. netphorian impersonation time
  205. Illinois thrift stores
  206. Anybody know anything about tazers?
  207. Gays in here
  208. A compilation of the worst avatars
  209. You know the Left is really coming around when...
  210. Flip flops and 50 degree weather do not mix.
  211. UBB>> Petition for board an upgrade
  212. Biggest netphorian idiots?
  214. I'm Not Sure Who's Who
  215. I figured out why Applebee's is creepy
  216. Starcraft is like sex
  218. I just updated the Photo Album
  219. World Bank Protesters
  220. WTF? I just got a letter from the Collection Agency (attn: CANADIANS)
  221. Animal Crossing...Starfox
  222. Elisabeth
  223. GI Joe
  224. so what are your plans for tonite?
  225. for anyone who's ever played or watched people play d+d
  226. What kind of car do you drive?
  227. how do i fix an ingrown hair
  228. Here you go kids
  229. I need to know what the weather like in New York early October.
  230. How much money would it take for you to...
  231. The BIGGEST thing to ever hit my town...happens tomorrow!
  232. Hey Canadians is this true?
  233. two in the goo, one in the poo
  234. What should I fall asleep to tonight?
  235. hahaha, not a good idea to warn Daft IM :o/
  236. she don't lie she don't lie she don't lie
  237. Netphoria needs more sex topics.
  238. animal guy on conan
  239. Holy shit. A Senegalese ferry sank; they think 760 people are dead.
  240. using the fuzzy logic, it's irrelevant that you mayfuck an ugly krazee pumpkin
  241. if you lose yourself
  242. What the FUCK (again)
  243. I don't wanna be like the others please
  244. I miss boobs...
  245. Bluestar=Mama's Family Mama
  246. Dawsons Creek Pic Post
  247. Last night, I was letting my drunken friend talk to my online buddiez!!
  248. Last night, I was letting my drunken friend talk to my online buddiez!!
  249. Samantha, answer your phone.
  250. bad ass screen shot i just took