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Old 04-11-2009, 03:08 AM   #8
russian iha
Apocalyptic Poster
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More options Apr 4 1996, 12:00 pm
I think the song "Mayonaise" is about the torment of being a teenager and
being gay. it talks of depression, "pick your pocket full of sorrow,"
"try to ease the pain," "when your life is so so dreary." "No one knows where
our secrets go" refers to the secrets surrounding being in the closet.
"I'm rumored to the straight and narrow, while the harlots of my perils
scream." He's rumored to be straight, but on the inside I'm screaming NO I'm
NOT!! "Mother weep the years I'm missing, all that time can't be given back"
She weeps the time he could have been dating but missed out. "Shut my mouth"
keep it in, "out of love and out of feeling" emotionally drained
"always old I always feel this" for too long he's been this way. "No more
promise no more sorrow, no longer will I follow" This is when the kid says
fuck it, fuck trying to be someone their not.
The chorus is the kicker. "I JUST WANT TO BE ME--WHEN I CAN I WILL."
When the time comes in his life or in society where he can be who he is, then
he will.
The beauty of music is that all lyrics can be interpreted in such a way
that they have meaning for everyone on a personal level. These are how I
interpret "Mayonaise." I'm not saying this is "the right" interpretation b/c
there is no such thing.

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