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Old 04-04-2018, 07:40 PM   #195
Disco King
Minion of Satan
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Originally Posted by Run To Me View Post
Fucken love your reviews DK, keep playing and keep em coming

I never tried any of those games. What are you rocking, a ps3 or whatever? I can talk some ps3 generation

If you’re especially interested in combat did you ever try infamous 1 or 2? I have two and it’s a good mix of beaten em up + use your electricity powers to, like, lift and throw cars sometimes, for fun even. Plus the traversal is a Fucken pure joy, can just run, jump, climb buildings, jump off, all at high speed with really fluid and satisfying controls
I'm on the Xbox One, actually. Won it at a staff party a couple of years back. Which is great, because I would have never bought one otherwise, as I can't justify dropping $500 just to play games, but I'll gladly buy games if I've got the system for free.

I don't know much about the PS3/X360 generation, because I essentially skipped it. Had an Xbox as a kid, but it broke and I never replaced it with a 360 until years after it was released when a friend gave me his old one for free. I literally only bought Batman: Arkham Asylum and played that. It wasn't even until they were remastered/made compatible on the One that I played the sequels.

I've heard good things about inFamous. Unfortunately, it's a Sony Exclusive. I've heard that [Prototype] is similar, so I might download that eventually.

Originally Posted by Run To Me View Post
Skyrim did that thing it does again where it sucks me in and all i can think about is when will i get some more iron ores so I can blacksmith iron ingots so I can craft a treasure chest to go under the saber tooth tiger face that’s on the wall of my house over the lake......hours and hours go by and I can’t quit, just gotta find those ores

So far homesteading and hiking are my favorites, haven’t gotten involved in too much violence. Although I shouted at a wealthy dude in Riverwood who was rude to me (the Dragonborn shout where you go BOOF and a whoosh of magical air comes out of your...I think, your head, and knocks everyone back) and he got pist and pulled a knife, upon which my hot-headed follower, Rayya of the twin scimitars, swiftly murdered him

Went outside and got swarmed by the townspeople who were upset with me for letting Rayya murder the dude, and then I watched, in considerable embarrassment, as Rayya mercilessly saughtered every last adult in the town except for the town drunk and a merchant we’ve done a lot of business with

So then the town children were all sad because their parents’ bloody bodies were strewn thru the streets, so I adopted the nice one. The rude kid can get fucked, but the nice one lives with me now. She doesn’t even miss her parents, although I impose harsh discipline, seeing as she’s not my biological or anything
Hmm... never played that. It sounds like a game must have pretty complex AI and a persistent gameworld for that sort of stuff to be possible, though.

Originally Posted by Elphenor View Post
lol sorry to say this Disco but to enjoy those games you need to get gud

learning to execute the mechanics is half the fun in any traditional fighter

still recommend ME2 to you, you'd enjoy it I think

LA Noir bored me to tears, in fact all Rockstar games are overrated
I dunno, I think games are best when they are easy to pick up, but difficult to master. The learning curve should be such that getting into it is a breeze and more about being introduced to the world and mechanics, and as soon as you got that stuff down, they start throwing shit at you that maybe you won't get on the first try. I also think it's best when, instead of some tutorial level where they dump everything on you at once, they introduce you to the mechanics more fluidly.

Mirror's Edge is all, like, dump of instructions at the beginning, and then a whole lot of dying.

Although with Witcher, I eventually realized that the reason I couldn't beat the tutorial guy was because he isn't meant to be beat. Fighting some actual enemy NPCs turned out to be a lot easier.

I still feel like the game has got too much going on for my tastes, though. Watched some video about "tips and tricks" and it felt like studying for an exam.

Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
I love LA Noire but I actually disagree with almost everything you said. I think the combat and driving are significantly worse than any GTA game, including IV, but that's because those aspects are totally not the focus of the game. IIRC the times when you pull a gun out are few and far between. I found steering the vehicles to be excessively difficult which maybe is in part because they are huge ass cars from 1948 or whatever, but I suspect is mostly just that the developers did not fall over themselves to make realistic driving a key aspect of the game. The faces were actually mapped with face recognition software which was a big deal when the game dropped in 2011 or 2012. What are you playing on?

My suggestion for the interrogation elements is to just look up the correct answers tbh. You don't really change the outcome of the story beyond the score you get on a particular investigation. You're right that sometimes the statements are vague and even if you know someone is lying, the correct answer may be "doubt" because you don't want to put the perp on the spot and shit like that. You are actually supposed to be watching their facial expressions and movements and choosing based on that I believe.

You got GTA V? Enjoy. The story and characters are stupid as fuck but it's a really fun game, especially the enhanced version with the first person feature. The only advice you need: only do the FIRST assassination mission for Lester, the one that you have to do in the story. Leave ALL other assassinations until you complete the main story so you can make the most money and afford to buy all the properties and cars and shit. try not to spend too much cash until after you do this so you'll have the most to play with at the end. When you get to the assassination missions, make sure to look up how to play the stock market to make max profit cause it's a little confusing.

I have been considering downloading the enhanced version of Skyrim... but I know it is going to suck me in p. hard. I wish I could port over my character and game from Xbox360 so I don't have to start over. I logged about 450 hours on Skyrim in 2016/2017
I guess the ease of driving in L.A. Noire has less to do with the actual physics, and more to do with the traffic density. There are fewer cars, so you can actually get around without bumping into everyone. In terms of the physics, the cars feel almost weightless and the steering is too sensitive. Try to make a turn in the turning lane and you end up driving over the curb and freaking out the civilians. Or you try to change lanes, and turn too sharply. I'll have to check to see if I can tweak the controls, though.

Yeah, I believe the motion capture is meant to make the characters' facial expressions look more realistic so that you can judge their reactions, but they end up falling into the uncanny valley. With the interrogations, for one mission, I suspected this one character of doing the murder, so I only wanted to question her after investigating more. So I questioned some other guy first. It turned out that he did it, so I caught him and finished the mission without ever questioning the other suspect. Now I'm curious about the details her dialogue would have added to the story, even if they weren't necessary to completing it.

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