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Old 10-14-2017, 04:42 PM   #123
reprise85's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pavementtune View Post
what the hell, say about this test what you will, but this thread has now 115 posts to shit CW into the ground, entire paragraphs of it, yet nobody spent even a 10th of that time to simply fucking do it.

do you guys miss the banned boarders and need some punching bag or what is this
he's a creep as well. i can find you threads if you really want. he sees women as objects and thinks 13 year olds sexually harassed him as an adult. he has tried many times to get personal information from me even after I explicitly told him to stop. note: i'm not saying he sexually harassed me at all.

he is definitely autistic and I wonder if he is actually a psychopath. autism is of course not a problem and i am not saying anything wrong with. but the lack of ability of taking other people's point of views plus extreme arrogance is not a good combination. he has no ability to see things from anyone else's perspective. i mean look how he treats all of us. netphoria is a cesspool and so are its users. you are only good as my test subjects. anything you say is meaningless. i should have known better than to think netphorians were good people. making up ridiculous excuses for not making improvements to his test and when called on it saying "well no one else cares" like we are not people who are worth anything.

i mean just look how he types to us. "i want poeple to take my test." not "would you guys take my test?" no appreciating feedback, no admitting any kind of weakness. and, of course, he is actually delusional about this test having any scientific... anything

this shit has been going on for years. he literally thinks we are only good as test subjects and any complaint we have about that shows that we're bad people

Last edited by reprise85 : 10-14-2017 at 04:47 PM.

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