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Old 04-29-2019, 05:04 PM   #27
Saturday Night Goth
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the lighting or lack therof was a really bold move that I think payed off for everyone who wasn't watching on a CRT or plasma screen during the daytime

can someone explain to me why the Necro King was obsessed with Brandon Stark? From what I understand, the Night King used to be an elf of the woods or something - is this why has this affinity with the Three Eyed Raven? Sorry I am butchering the lore, it's been awhile and I never payed much attention to the magic shit on this show

So like Bran Stark could see the future and knew if he went to the old tree that they would win? It seems like the god of fire or light or whatever plays a direct role in bringing about this fate that Bran predicted - resurrecting that eyepatch dude so that he could save Arya and also acting through the Red Woman, which includes her telling Arya that she's basically ordained to kill the king. Oh yeah, and Arya killed the king with the Valyrian steel dagger that Little Finger told Caitlyn belonged to Tyrion (sorry if I butchered names, never read the books), so it's like that one conflict with the Lannisters and Starks is what enabled them to beat the dead.

Which sort of makes the impending battle against the Lannisters seem anticlimactic considering the Starks are apparently chosen by the God of the realm and the dragons were strangely so useless. So it's Cersei and her pirate guy versus... literally everyone else?

idk overall it was an extremely ambitious episode, and totally unprecedented from a cinematic standpoint. Feels like the show already blew its load though. It's always been at its strongest when we're entrenched in the political subterfuge of King's Landing, which seems like an afterthought at this point. It's almost like there needs to be another conflict

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