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Old 08-16-2008, 06:21 AM   #11
bonnie stars
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Originally Posted by Springbridge View Post
The sincerity, the energy, and the creativity in the music.
are all things i feel are missing from sp2. it's funny how people like you always accuse people of living in the past when billy's the one carrying on the name after they broke up with half the band missing and makes an album that sounds like a watered down imitation of their hey day. pandering to people's expectations and playing it safe. billy's generally become exactly what he was always proud of the smashing pumpkins not being. i don't want to hear more of the same old, but i would like to hear something with the ambition that he used to have and i would like him to stop exploiting his former succes and move the fuck on and do something worthwhile. but i don't see that happening. he seems to be just a nice boring hollywood blob now. good for him

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