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Old 05-20-2017, 01:42 AM   #19
Shut the fuck up!
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my dad had to retire in his 50s when he became disabled. He was lucky since he had a union job and a pension. When my step mother died a few years ago he was actually in OK shape financially, as he got my Step mother's pension. When my dad died this year he was completely broke. He got married a few years ago to his last wife, who bankrupted him, starting with his house, which they had to sell last year. Now he's dead so it doesn't fucking matter anymore.

My mother retired a couple of years ago. She had to work until she was 67 so she could get full SS benefits. She and my stepfather, who's now disabbled and hasn't been able to work for years, couldn't afford for her to retire sooner. She spent her entire adult life sewing in factories and it fucked up her health. But at least she deoesn't have to work anymore.

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