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Old 03-23-2018, 09:44 AM   #72
Location: New York
Posts: 424

Originally Posted by WeilandFan View Post
Trump was elected President and plenty of people who listen to rock music voted for him, just like plenty of them voted for Hillary, and plenty didn't vote for either or vote at all. Many artists express their political views and appear on political shows, most just happen to be Democrats. Corgan actually has expressed his political views far less than someone like Eddie Vedder, who actually does it during concerts. Corgan has never discussed politics at shows, outside of a couple of comments in 2008 about Obama and Sarah Palin. The only time he really talked in-depth about the current political climate was the 2016 Alex Jones appearance.

The way the political part of this article was put in was meant to try to take a shot at Corgan, and he probably sensed it during the interview. You are never going to get someone like Corgan to open up about other things like D'arcy if it's clear you're trying to mock him with his political views. If I was interviewing Eddie Vedder or Billy Corgan for an in-depth thing I would not pose any political subjects in a way that would deride their views.
There's a way to ask people about political issues in a way that doesn't deride them. I think you could figure it out.

The fact the guy goes on alex jones needs to be brought up by an interviewer, and if you wouldn't do that you would be just a kiss ass PR hack, not a journalist.

And for Corgan to use words like "globalists" (which he did on Stern and both Howard and Robin politely let it slide) and "protected minority groups" in the interview is more proof of how bigoted he is, and more props due to the interviewer for getting billy to show that side of himself.

Also, just a side note, this line of Bill's that "I find institutions and systems suspicious" is so sad. Like, go live in the forest then.

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