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Old 03-14-2017, 01:27 PM   #39
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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"black people are good at sports" – stereotype with no scientific support. people with dark skin or whose ancestors are from warm climates are not genetically predisposed to be athletic, it's an absurd belief. perhaps there are a lot of black individuals in American sports, I don't even know because sports, but even if it is true it's totally unclear why, beyond that it is some confluence of cultural mechanisms. It could be related to the intersection of race and class and unequal opportunity access. But the stereotype is the same as "Jews are good with money." There are a lot of Jewish accountants and bankers, but it's not because Jews evolved to like money more than other people.

"black people are predisposed to sickle cell anemia" – a statement of limited understanding, but one based on quantified scientific study. Sickle cell is a genetic variation which protects people from malaria. It is more common in populations from malarial areas, including some places in Africa, southern Europe, and the Middle East. Because of what is sometimes known as "boy/girl next door phenomenon," meaning that most people procreate with people who are from the same geographic area as them, populations stratify and certain traits become exaggerated. This is the same principal that causes families to look more alike each other than compared to random people off the street, but on a macro level. This is also a very pared down way of explaining genetic populations. Bottom line, sickle cell is more prevalent in black Americans than white Americans for example, because of the conditions our ancestors' populations were responding to (in this case malarial mosquitos), and then limited breeding spreads that trait around to a high degree within that population, leaving individuals from other populations less likely to have the trait. Compare to certain diseases which are very prevalent with Ashkenazi Jews. It's because families are alike to each other and when cultural ideas like race limit who you have kids with, you wind up having kids with other members of your big family which just perpetuates the higher rate of those diseases within the group.

you're welcome, that will be $80,000

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