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Old 09-01-2016, 07:22 PM   #49
reprise85's Avatar
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
my spanish 103 class is all females (except for 2 boys -one that showed up yesterday, and one today- but i can ignore that). i love it.
yeah my honors seminar class is all women. 11 of us. the professor is a man and the one speaker we've had is a man.

we're reading love at goon park about harry harlow (the wire monkey/cloth monkey attachment theory guy) and it's honestly boring so far cuz it's basically a biography but i think it's going to go more into his experimentations

but it is really interesting the whole timeline, like all these babies were dying in european orphanages in the early 1900s and then BAM germ theory starts getting major traction so they isolate the kids and then they all become neurotic and/or psychotic and harlow and bowlby and maslow and all these other dudes have to convince all of these medical people who have gotten the mortality down from 80/90/100 percent to 30 percent that the babies they are saving and mentally ill and need to be held and stuff to not be and the prevaling thought of the day is to not be too nice to kids anyway lest they be soft and not be good husbands/wives

ANYWAY i've read like 110 pages i need the rest of a chapter in time for tomorrow's discussion

also i have to read all of these ethics in experimentation and modules and take quizzes online for my research lab work oy vey each one takes like an hour and there's 15 of them. due by monday. i get to meet all of my research lab mates tomorrow though!

abnormal psych we're kinda go through all of the psych theories somewhat in depth as far as therapy theories, starting with freud, behaviorism, cognitive-behavior, bit of evoloutionary aspects is where we stopped at. i think next we're going into just a discussion of the DSM

and then in clinical psych we're going through all these practical things about being a clinical psychologist like, what all you can do, best paths to grad school, how you get paid, types of practices you can be a part of, informed consent, dealing with patients referred by their jobs or otherwise don't have normal therapist/client privilage (like children), what gets shared in court proceedings and how to keep your client's shit confidential, how to do research and even case studies while changing info that 1) will mask who the person is but 2) not compromise the data

lots of practical things

and in cognition we're still on basic like dualism vs monism bullshit, also today we did a mental rotation lab experiment at home and i'm like 2 full standard deviations slower at mental rotations than the average of like 30,000 people who've taken the test, go me i'm spectacularly bad

Last edited by reprise85 : 09-01-2016 at 07:31 PM.

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