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Old 06-25-2017, 10:48 PM   #75
Jelly Blossom
Posts: 412

Originally Posted by reprise85 View Post
I mean read it buddy

I don't know why this annoying me so much right now I just can't stand you doubling down on something this dumb
Again, I broke this down before... Idk why you're keeping at it either. I haven't contradicted myself at all, yet you seem determined to try to prove that I have.

I mean, did he, or did he not promote TFE with an SP reunion announcement? And didn't that reunion announcement come with a plug that he had a new solo LP coming out?

I suppose since TFE didn't sell a billion copies you want to say that I'm wrong here, but that doesn't mean he didn't promote the solo album with the reunion announcement.

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