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Old 03-12-2017, 05:19 AM   #30
The Omega Concern
Location: stay, far, away
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Originally Posted by FoolofaTook View Post
What role does Monte play in all this?
at the Edge in Palo Alto for the ticket day, I was first in line, he was 2nd. Decked out in full zero outfit, he says, "Hi I'm Jonathon, would you like the Machina album?" and hands me a bootleg of Machina.

3rd person in line was a guy by the name of Travis Westover. Really nice guitar player. He tells us his birthday is St. Patrick's day, March 17th. We all kinda become fast friends. A month later, Travis and I drive to the in-store in S.F. together where he handed Melissa and Billy green-painted roses. He was caught up in it as well, following the band after the Edge show to the airport where Billy came over to him and some other fans. Travis asked if Billy got the letters fans threw on stage and Billy says, "You mean these?" and whips out a bunch of letters. Travis left his phone number on his and got a call from one of Billy's "people" a week or so later.

Last edited by The Omega Concern : 03-12-2017 at 05:28 AM.

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