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Old 03-27-2018, 11:30 PM   #35
Posts: 21,169

Thanks for the advice. I'm 9 days sober and counting. I've been gaining some realizations and have been getting down to the bottom of why I drink so much and how I'd rely on it as a crutch to cover up confidence or anxiety issues.

One thing that helps me is remembering that I'm in control of my own mind, and if I'm struggling and feeling like drinking I just think " so what, you're too weak? Not in control of your faculties?"and then I think "no man, fuck that". It's sort of like that old adage of the angel and devil on both shoulders. I kind of just look at it as a challenge.

It's been going well, but I've been literally not hanging out with anyone outside of work. I think a big test will be going out with friends and restraining from it. We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm quite honestly taking it 1 day at a time.

But I really am doing a lot more soul searching this time than the last time I tried.

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