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Old 02-14-2012, 05:07 PM   #1
The Omega Concern
Location: stay, far, away
Posts: 8,986
Default Endgame: 2012

3 investigative web-sites detailing the story of the millenium:


If you want to haggle on the credibility of these reports, you can, but you won't likely move me from my opinion of the two men in question (Christopher Story and Benjamin Fulford). They were/are international finance journalist with the highest level contacts in the intelligence agences, and yes, each of them had run-ins with disinfo agents attempting to undermine their credibility. As a result, you have to develop your own filter about what may or may not be true in their reportage.

I'm posting this cause I wanted to converge all the news I can about what may really be happening in the world.

Last edited by The Omega Concern : 05-05-2012 at 11:47 PM.

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