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Old 09-12-2017, 08:41 PM   #3078
ilikeplanets's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Run To Me View Post
ilp you said she was loudmouth, does your behbe yell a lot? just curious b/c it's rather common for dr/nurse prac u may see about it to shrug and go "blah blah colic" but it could be something else and easily treatable, like reflux
She's quiet all day and loud all night. I don't think there is anything unhealthy about her (thank goodness) because she just got a check up. Maybe a little nasal congestion. She is going to have her hips scanned this week to make sure they are okay because she was in breech, but the docs don't seem too concerned. That has nothing to do with her screaming, I know. She was just a couple weeks early so I think she just gets REALLY hungry and wakes up freaking out and guzzling the bottle.....every two or three hours. And hates being changed. And she won't sleep unless I'm holding her (aww) but I obviously can't sleep like that so I have to wait until she is good and conked out before I put her down in her bassinet. The first few months are quite tough, I'm realizing. Her pediatrician is so laid back it's almost aggravating, tbh. Like HELLO PLEASE CARE ABOUT MY QUESTIONS. Heh

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