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Old 07-05-2017, 07:29 PM   #19
The Omega Concern
Location: stay, far, away
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Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes View Post
I think they do the whole "anthems for Coke commercials" thing to death. Whatever that one album was where every song had "uplifting" background vocals by a chorus of their fans is the last I heard anything from them. Seemed (and still seems) they're reaching for U2-esque heights but they aren't as talented or as appealing as they seem to think. I don't know if any of that is coherent; it's just an overall vibe I get from them.

I like Leto fine as an actor, but if I saw Suicide Squad, my opinion on his acting abilities would probably turn as well.

ahh...I'm not that familiar with their music. I did think that one song from this album you speak to was pretty good, but the video was a bit of a reach for some type of social significance -- the one where in the beginning of it fans are getting all emotional about emoting and stuff.

Fysche was waiting for me to finish some pick-up hoops on Venice Beach one day and I see her and Paul there talking to a few guys. I didn't even know who Leto was; he had a baseball hat on with big sunglasses and it was a quick introduction and off we went. Fysche was going on about how he's some big actor who just finished a movie with Nicholas Cage, which I did end up seeing and is a pretty good flick, Lord of War I think it was.

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