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Old 02-07-2018, 01:11 AM   #99
pavementtune's Avatar
Location: I'm a quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. It's amazing I'm here at all.
Posts: 8,661

Originally Posted by Dust and Ashes View Post

What the hell happened? I left for a year or so and suddenly the whole website turned into a menu directing me to facebook. I don't ever like to be directed to facebook.
I have no idea, had basically the same experience. at first figured, well, who cares, hadn't paid attention in a long time anyway. but when you are used to having a place to talk music, even when you leave for months and years - I can't shake it off either. And blamo was the only place I really liked.

In 2022 I see myself searching with sad eyes for the last surviving messageboard and then join a board for electric toy trains in the hopes someone will talk about albums with me. welcome to a really broken toy train board, enjoy vBulletin Version 3.6.8!

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