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Old 08-14-2018, 11:51 AM   #22
Apocalyptic Poster
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
Not exactly me, but this really speaks to my inner genderqueer self. In my case, it isn't so much about wanting to be a woman as it is about not wanting to be a man. And rather than feeling that gender is something essential about who I am, I feel that it is about the complex web of relationships that position me in a certain way in society - and whatever being a "man" means, it has placed me in a fundamentally uncomfortable place that has never agreed with what I consciously or unconsciously wanted in life. I don't mean this in a theoretical "yes, of course I'm woke and believe in feminism, equality, etc" way - it has meant a complete sense of alienation when faced with the idea of growing up to be a man. It has meant avoiding the milestones and rites of passage a teenage boy was supposed to go through. It has meant forming emotional bonds with women that are diametrically opposed to traditional cishet romantic/sexual relationships. It has meant a sense of displacement that is really very hard to convey to anyone who hasn't experienced it themselves.

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