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Old 06-03-2017, 11:21 AM   #323
FlamingGlobes's Avatar
Location: I’ve been trying to move to the Nordic countries for 5 years but the cost is astronomical to become an expatriate
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Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 View Post
even when i'm full "lets get rid of stuff" i never get rid of my cd's, man

if you sell it you'll get paid jack shit, and if you keep it it's just keeping a musical trail of where you used to be, and that's totally cool in my book.
I an extent. I still keep a pretty large collection that represents where I've been, but the rest of it is just...clutter. I plan on moving again someday when my finances straighten out and my dog is no longer with me, and it'll be easier to relocate without all of that stuff bogging me down.

I mean, we're talking thousands of CDs. That's a lot of clunky plastic.

The things you own end up owning you and such.

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