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Old 08-24-2016, 11:01 PM   #4
reprise85's Avatar
Location: I'm faced with so many changes that I just might change my face
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Originally Posted by vixnix View Post
I'm technically full time, but I'm taking 18 rather than 24 points - should be 3 units rather than four, but this semester it's 2 units, because one is worth double points.

One unit is lit crit, and one is purely creative. I'm in a world of pain right now.

I've made a few friends though. It's funny being 36 and back at uni. Because it's postgrad most people are working full time - all the classes are in the evening.

I wish I was at a 4.0 GPA. I'm close - our equivalent is a "High Distinction Weighted Average Mark", known as an "HD WAM" (WAM is pronounced as a word, so it's HD wham). You need a grade average of 85% or more, across all your papers, and I'm on 82.5%. Hoping to drag it up and over the HD mark by the end of next year, when I finish.

But yeah. Probably not. Argh


/takes meds

/cleans and dresses wounds
You'll do it. I'll prob end up with less than a 4.0. I just have to get one A- and it'll be gone. That's exceedingly likely, especially in classes like Cognition where a 92 is an A-. It's not even the hard classes that usually worry me, just the ones with perfectionist professors who do the high A-. A lot of profs do A from 90-100 and then A- from like 87-89, but not these douchebags. Actually they're not douchebags, probably just former 4.0 students themselves.

People do get impressed when they hear it and I'll admit I do drop it as a humblebrag sometimes. But in the end, it'll get me 3 greek words on my diploma and some extra cords to wear around my neck and possibly later hang myself with.

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