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Old 04-07-2018, 04:45 AM   #23
teh b0lly!!1
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
people like jonny and ryan think they're not like "other men" just cause they play guitar or went to college and are beta males. but beta male misogynists are like those moderate/casual racists- the least self-aware of the bunch.
after that whole parenthesis thing, i feel compelled to point out your wrongful usage of the dash in that sentence - which is using no space before it - which is shortly only made worse by the placement of another dash amid "self" and "aware".

you essentially created this awkward little mutant freak of a sentence - "the least self" - and placed it asymmetrically in between two dashes, forever leaning rightward; profane, but not unloved; doomed, but not without hope.

i got no sides in this argument, all i care about is grammar.

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