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Old 01-27-2017, 03:25 AM   #58
ohnoitsbonnie's Avatar
Location: somerville, nj
Posts: 23,382

At my own district of what? 600 voters? there were maybe 10 people that came in and for one reason or another could not be found in the books (this could be because they didn't register in time, their registration wasn't noted, and clerical errors). They were from all walks of life (if there's anything I've leadned from the experience, who people will vote for will shock you). Anyway those people did provisional ballots. Those are checked over before theyre counted, so they're not the ideal way to commit voter fraud. As far as I'm concerned, voter fraud doesn't exist in huge amounts. I have examples after doing this for 5 years that yeah, it does try to exist. People have asked to vote for spouses (no). People have dragged their kids in to vote and gone in the booth with them. It's more fraud by proxy than anything. None were illegal tho. I mean I doubt it because the shady stuff went on in my predominantly republican and white town. I live someplace more diverse now where it's mostly working adults that come in and some very very very old people.

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