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Old 06-06-2008, 01:34 AM   #32
Apocalyptic Poster
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What I mean about McCain ripping him off:

Obama likes change? I AM change! Even though Hillary tried this, too, I'll do it as well!

Change we can believe in? No no no, that [policy stance] my friends is not change we can believe in! eh heh heh I'm such a trickster huh

Obama wants us out of Iraq? Fine! I'll assure nothing less than VICTORY by 2013 in one of the most violent regions in the world, therefore exiting Iraq by the end of my first term! I too can stop the war but only when we succeed, my friends! Nevermind that though, I'll never speak of this idea again because it didn't poll well, just like my current stance. Oh, darn. Perhaps I will in the fall as a last ditch effort.

Obama's black? Fine! Here's an Indian VP!
Obama's black? Fine! Here's a female VP! I can be diverse too, even though I'm the one calling the shots 99% of the time! BELIEVE IN ME PLEASE!!!!

He has a serious problem.

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