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Old 10-24-2020, 09:17 PM   #89
GreenDogGlynis's Avatar
Posts: 454

Originally Posted by Squish Squash View Post
Do they mention D’Arcy or is Billy still too butthurt to acknowledge her existence?
She doesn't get mentioned a lot. However, as weird as this interview was it probably improved in terms of D'arcy but kind of in a broad sense. They do make it clear that on MCIS they really wanted to capture the sound of band (assuming this meant D'arcy and James would play more on album, as we know they ended up doing),and they felt that was a key element missing from SD. Billy does say something along the lines of SP couldn't have happened without the all four members. On more of a side note, Jimmy says they used a can of her hairspray, some rusty scissors, and a bottle of Tylenol to make up the rhythm sounds on Cupid de Locke.

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