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Old 02-13-2018, 02:15 PM   #129
Todd White
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 90

Linda couldn’t be more patronizing. Her premise is that D’arcy is incapable and needs stuff handed to her on a silver plater, thus she should be grateful for the offer to play a token role with SP and opportunity to cash a big paycheque. Wait a second, Linda! Did it cross your mind that D’arcy wants to fully participate without concessions and isn’t motivated by the paycheque? I know I just turned your world upside-down...

It’s obvious that a lot of hard work has gone into planning the upcoming tour, but Linda’s telling us that justifies treating D’arcy like an undeserving outsider unworthy of meaningful input? Give me a break. D’arcy is 1/4 of the reunion project. Linda is 0, just like everyone outside of Billy, James and Jimmy. Give each band member the respect they deserve, then you have yourself a reunion.

And yes, Linda, D’arcy is deserving. She helped create the SP legacy from 1988 through 1999. And she did it without kissing ass or grovelling at Billy’s feet. This is obviously a concept beyond your comprehension. As a hanger-on that worships anything Billy throws your way, you can’t fathom how D’arcy could decline such a special gift from Billy. Maybe it isn’t so special when your treated like a second class participant unworthy of the meaningful role you legitimately created, albeit 19+ years ago.

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