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Old 07-15-2016, 12:54 AM   #9
reprise85's Avatar
Location: I'm faced with so many changes that I just might change my face
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when people die, they just kinda die where they get hit, or where they fall if they go airbound, and gravity pulls their limbs down. this makes it where many people killed look the same. i dont know why you dont think these people in this video were mowed down. there's no explosion rubble or anything to suggest it was something else. unless you think this entire video is somehow fabricated. i've seen lots of videos of people who are being/were run over and they pretty much look like this scene. (/r/watchpeopledie pulls me in sometimes). there's also police shooting in the direction of a large white box truck at the end of the video. i mean, what the fuck else is it?

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