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Old 03-16-2014, 06:28 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
it's kind of a shame to me that every time this comes up, everyone feels the need to tell me I'm doing something against nature. I can only guess that everyone's fixation with tearing my situation down is based either in some sort of subconscious drive to defend social norms even though that sounds totally stupid, or some sort of twisted envy built on a subconscious desire to fuck everyone (pretty sure nearly all people actually have this buried in them). Not really sure. It's hard for me to understand how such liberal, enlightened individuals can turn into a bunch of witless advocates of social conservatism as soon as the issue at hand is not a hot-button social cause. Sexuality is fluid and unique to each human being, which seems fucking obvious in the West in 2014 but I guess not.
Way to buck the system man.

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