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Old 08-29-2008, 09:05 PM   #258
Netphoria's George Will
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Originally Posted by sleeper View Post
right, they only believe n - 1 ludicrous things. congratulations to them! earth being 6000 years old? HA, thats ridiculous, of course not... but it was created in seven literal days, dinosaurs shared the earth with makind, and evolution is a myth.
I'm a modified creationist and don't believe any of those things whatsoever. I believe in creation aided by evolution, heavy on the evolution.

Creationist don't necessarily (although most do) take the Bible literally. No idea if Palin does, of course.

That said, I haven't seen any polls detailing the belief in creationist but I'd think an overwhelming majority of the voting public believe in one form or another of creation.

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