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Old 12-16-2014, 12:43 PM   #193
The exploding boy
Minion of Satan
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Location: "I'm a quivering collection of the worst and least helpful emotions: fear, anxiety, terror, paranoia, indigestion, dishpan hands..."
Posts: 7,765

Took a bunch of pics yesterday. I shall post three series of cats pics. This is Dexy. Later i'll do Jumby and later still both together.

A perfect kitty circle:

Dex likes mirrors, "looks, there is cat in mirror! we has to free it!". Actually shes a clever cat and she's know it's her. she's more admiring herself. The best is when she clmb on the sink to do it in the cabinet mirror.

She's actually closing the door here more than staring at herself, why is she closing the door? (sorry about the hairy legs, and yes there is a butter knife on the floor, i need it to turn off the hot water faucet....)

Because she hears someone she doesn't like very much

"HEY GUYS WHATSUP!?" I mean she likes him and will clean him and stuff when he goes lie against her but most of the time if he's not sleeping, she's just tolerating him.

This is what she does when she wants attention. Comes to me, starts purring and touches me with her paw until i pet her. Sometimes she licks my hands too. Well...if she wants petties. If she wants to play she'll either paw at a drawer and meow (toys end up under the dresser a lot and so if i open the lower drawers she can get to them) or bring a toy on the bed, stare at me and bitch and bitch until i make it move (seriously some days she can torment me endlessly this way). She loves balls of paper especially. She fetches. If you throw, she bring it back.

As anyone who ever owned a cat and has a guitar case knows, if you open it, they will come.

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