Thread: TV thread
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Old 09-22-2020, 06:24 AM   #447
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Originally Posted by reprise85 View Post
Also caught up on I'll Be Gone in the Dark, about the Golden State Killer. I was into this crime spree before it was popularized/he was caught and I was fucking so stoked when he got caught, I never thought he would. I had read all the crime reports and looked at photos and talked about him on reddit (r/earons holla) and it was just so great that he was caught. He also just recently pleaded guilty to everything. There was a very awesome series of posts on the true crime subreddits where the person made the case that EARONS (east area rapist/original night stalker eventually known as golden state killer) was also this other criminal the visalia ransacker, which he was it turned out, which went through all of those crimes painstakingly as well. This dude got away with so much, well, I guess not in the end. And he was only really well known in the past like 5 or 6 years, really just before he was caught when they pushed for more info from the public. I don't know of any other prolific serial killer that was so unknown, so it was really a strange thing. For example everyone knows about the Zodiac but EAR/ONS was so much more prolific and cruel (and interesting/idiosyncratic, like putting dishes on people's backs and crying after his rapes, eating food from the houses, unloading guns in preparation for later coming back to rape, etc), and he even made phone calls and things, so I don't know why he was so unknown.

The series is interesting, and I like that it's about figuring him out and not his crimes, and about the victims talking about their lives etc, since I already know about the crimes. It feels like it could have been better but overall still pretty good. Last one is on tonight, so probably tomorrow it'll be on the free streaming sites
That was a great show
I cried so many times

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