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Old 04-25-2018, 05:13 AM   #7280
pavementtune's Avatar
Location: I'm a quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. It's amazing I'm here at all.
Posts: 8,661

toase, mister turtle!

.... turtle-hug? (how do turtles hug, by crawling on top of each other? never mind then.)

Tookling might be gracing Germany because his likely destination Austria is that insignificant, that there are hardly any direct flights from the US. And a cigarette on European soil is better than trying to get pot around an airport -and since Tookling has to consume something, a cigarette was the end result.

How far off is my theory?

Oh hey, willkommen fast daheim, du Arschloch!

Here to help, where you at, Frankfurt? You have a train ticket from Deutsche Bahn, yes? You can take the next train, most likely, unless you find a specific train name on your ticket. I am jealous, you shit. I want to go to Austria, too! (Do I??)

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