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Old 06-27-2015, 10:02 PM   #1
Bread Regal
Posts: 5,711
Default ATTN: New Tinychat Link (updated, see first post)

now hate free

added 28 September 2015:

Real talk:

in case it wasn't clear why the new room was created, it was that the old one was run by an unapologetic transphobe who, by attacking a severely marginalized group of people, made life harder for other boarders.

so i thought it was fairly implicit that disparaging remarks (or "jokes") about any marginalized group of people (racial and ethnic minorities, women, the disabled, the homeless, whatever) is something that could lead to you being kicked from the chat.

So to summarize, this is an exhaustive list of things that may get you kicked:

1) Denigrating a marginalized population, regardless of it being part of a "joke"
2) Being abusive to another user
3) Closing a video without asking the rest of the chat
4) Being a generally disruptive jackass

That's literally it. Perfectly reasonable, and doesn't preclude the chat from being characterized as "hate-free".

Last edited by Bread Regal : 09-29-2015 at 11:22 PM.

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