View Full Version : I Voted

Mason R Butler
11-05-2002, 11:33 AM
I didn't know who most of the people on the huge ballot were, so I voted for the people who's names I liked the most. If you had a nickname or a name like Lucky and you happened to be on the Minnesota ballot, you got my vote.

I voted Mondale in the race the whole country suddenly pretends to care about.

Random Female
11-05-2002, 11:48 AM
good for you for voting for Mondale. I hope he wins.

anywa, i swear i'm going to cry. Usually my voting booth is in MY NEIGHBORHOOD, but for some reason they must've fucked up because RUffin Road is in CLairemont which is 20 minutes away. I don't know what to do!!! I want to vote so bad!!

11-05-2002, 11:50 AM
ugh. there is something wrong with my parents.

i showed you guys this e-mail that my dad sent last thursday:

Can you mail me a bunch of deposit slips for your account.
Then I can make the deposits here. I only need like five
slips for the year. I have to put $ in your account for
November and December. AND don't forget to vote.

so i was all okay. i was all i'm sure he'll remember eventually about my absentee ballot or something

then yesterday i'm talking to my mom on im

she's all "so are you voting tomorrow?"
and i was all "i voted 3 weeks ago mother"
and she was all "oh okay"

new e-mail from my dad today!

I thought the article was good. Thanks for sending it.
I'm putting $ in your bank account, for Nov and Dec,
today. Don't forget to vote, and vote YES for the general
obligation bond; on the ballot, I think it is something
about capital improvements.


what is their problem? do they seriously not realize that i have to vote absentee? maybe they know i'm voting absentee they just don't realize the ballots have to be received BEFORE election day. urrrrgh.

11-05-2002, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by I Hate Music
I voted Mondale in the race the whole country suddenly pretends to care about.

Who did you vote for in your Congressional race? I voted absentee for the St. Paul District 4 for McCollum. Even though she's a flaming liberal I like her a lot.

I voted absentte for Coleman but it was when Sen. Wellstone was still on the ballot. Coleman bothers me on a personal level but he did good for St. Paul as mayor so fuck it.

The whole country caring about the MN senate race follows the trend of the whole country caring about our Twins (the whole country of baseball folks anyway). Minnesota for life.