View Full Version : i heard news of vieuphoria + earphoria on the radio here

09-26-2002, 12:52 PM
how exciting. they were playing siyl in the b.ackground and stuff. pretty cool.

09-26-2002, 03:01 PM
Should have been Bugg Superstar

09-26-2002, 05:02 PM
that's kinda neat. i'd have to say i'm somewhat excited for this release.

"******'s dying to know what it's like to be your dat rig whilst being stealthed into a show...
****** wants you to stealth her, Fares."- Brandon
"Sorry, I was blasted last night...a patented Quinto drunking." - Frank

09-26-2002, 05:38 PM
I hope they mentioned stand inside your love isn't on Vieu/Earphoria, that's gross false marketing stuff.