View Full Version : shitty days

Random Female
07-26-2003, 09:07 PM
i woke up on the wrong fucking side of the bed today, man, and it sucks.

i woke up after a really bad dream that left me totally down and self-loathing. i haven't been able to shake that feeling all day.

my boyfriend, who lives in LA, left his bookbag downtown when he was here yesterday, and there was a msg on my cell this mornign to please go down and get it. it's pride weekend and it's trafficky as hell down there... took me forever.

work has just been totally unproductive today. i worked for about 3 hours this afternoon and accomplished NOTHING. what the fuck. I went to Starbucks to make sure my laptop works with their wireless like my bf said it would before i meet my boss tomorrow and it doesn't work. and now's down and I can't get into my account to get back to work. and i just want to go to bed and start the day over but i AM NOT TIRED EVEN THOUGH I GOT NO SLEEP LAST NIGHT AND AM CRANKY.