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Blushing Brilliance
05-04-2003, 10:33 PM
Devoirs 3

A. Mettez les phrases suivantes au passé composé. Réfléchissez bien! Quel est l’auxiliaire? Quelle est la forme du participe passé? Est-ce qu’un accord est nécessaire? Où placer les adverbes, pronoms et la négation dans la phrase?

Pierre et Eve se rencontrent au parc.

Les vivants ne les voient pas.

Ils sont heureux d’être ensemble.

La vieille dame explique bien l’article 140.

Pierre et Eve veulent revivre.

Ils reviennent à la vie.

Réfléchissez-vous aux problèmes de Pierre et Eve?

On ne lit pas encore la fin de l’histoire.

B. Complétez l’histoire suivante avec des verbes à l’imparfait pour décrire la situation (what was happening/the mental or physical state of the participants) au moment de l’action (what happened/what people did). Si vous n’avez pas d’idée, inspirez-vous des possibilités suivantes.

vouloir libérer le pays croire que la milice est informée (ne pas) avoir peur ne pas pouvoir accepter la situation détester un régime hostile entendre la milice dans la rue

Action Situation

Pierre a fondé la ligue.

Avec les conspirateurs, il a planifié une insurrection.

La veille de l’insurrection, quelques conspirateurs ont voulu attendre.

Pierre a dit qu’une insurrection ne se remettait pas.

C. Remplissez les tirets par la forme correcte du verbe (passé composé ou imparfait).

Au palais du régent, Pierre entend les histoires suivantes:

--Pessimistes? gronde le milicien. Je/J’________________(servir) cet homme pendant des années... Je ___________(croire) en lui, je suis mort pour lui.

Le chef milicien prend la parole durement:

--Pessimistes? En arrivant ici, j’/je ___________(apprendre) que c’_________(être) mon meilleur ami qui nous avait vendus.

La femme poursuit en désignant le régent:

--Pessimistes? Regardez celui-là. Je l’ai connu quand il était gratte-papier. Je l’_________(aider). J’ai travaillé pour lui. Je _______________(me vendre) pour le sortir de prison. C’est moi qui ai fait sa carrière. Je __________(mourir) dans un accident de chasse, et l’accident de chasse, c’était lui.

La Confession de Lucien
La Confession d'André

Imagine that Lucien or André are explaining why they committed murder. What would they say.
Ecrivez un paragraphe au passé - Passé composé/Imparfait/Plus-que-parfait

05-04-2003, 10:41 PM

James is Cool
05-04-2003, 10:43 PM

05-04-2003, 10:43 PM
If you ask me, Eve could do so much better than Pierre.

05-05-2003, 01:19 AM

Netphoria does MY french homework for ME!

05-05-2003, 01:25 AM
A. Put the following sentences at last made up. Reflect well! Which is l?auxiliaire? Which is the form of the last participle? Is this qu?un agreement is necessary? Where to place the adverbs, pronouns and the negation in the sentence? Pierre and Eve meet with the park. The alive ones do not see them. They are happy d?être together. The old lady explains l?article 140 well. Pierre and Eve want to live again. They return to the life. Do you think of the problems of Pierre and Eve? The end of l?histoire is not read yet. B Supplement l?histoire following with verbs with l?imparfait to describe the situation (what was happening/the mental gold physical state of the participating) at the time of l?action (what happened/what people did). If you n?avez d?idée, inspire you following possibilities. to want to release the country to believe that the militia is informed (not) to be afraid not to be able to accept the situation to hate a hostile mode to hear the militia in the street Action Situation Pierre founded the league. With the conspirators, it planned an insurrection. The l?insurrection day before, some conspirators wanted to wait. Pierre said qu?une insurrection did not recover. C Fill the indents by the correct form of the verb (made up or imperfect past). With the palate of the regent, Pierre hears the following stories: -- Pessimists? thunder the militiaman. Je/J?________________(servir) this man during years... I ___________(to believe) in him, I died for him. The militiaman head speaks hard: -- Pessimists? While arriving here, j?/je ___________(to learn) that c?_________(être) my best friend who had sold to us. The woman continues by appointing the regent: -- Pessimists? Look at that one. I l?ai known when he was a penpusher. I l?_________(aider). J?ai worked for him. I _______________(to sell to me) to leave it prison. C?est me which made its career. I __________(to die) in an accident of hunting, and l?accident of hunting, c?était him. The Confession of Lucien OR the Confession of Andre Imagine that Lucien gold Andre are explaining why they committed murder. What would they say. Write a paragraph with last - composé/Imparfait/Plus-that-perfect Past

05-05-2003, 01:36 AM
You're in a more advanced French class than I.

05-05-2003, 02:07 AM
Well shit, that's from <i>Les Jeux Sont Faits</i>, isn't it? I didn't realize that at first. Yeah, Pierre isn't much of a catch in the book either. Goddamn men and their goddamn revolutions. Yeah, so my advice is to screw the exercises and just read the book. You won't remember anything about French grammar two years from now, but a healthy dose of existentialism may do you good. I mean, you don't even have to do your damn homework. Life is meaningless, so you can take a gun to class tomorrow and shoot your professor and call it your final project. Isn't education fun?

Blushing Brilliance
05-05-2003, 03:01 AM
Oh man, I've been reading Les Jeux Sont Faits in French, and I haven't found a fuckin English translation anywhere!
I would much rather read about existentialism in plain English!

05-05-2003, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Blushing Brilliance
Oh man, I've been reading Les Jeux Sont Faits in French, and I haven't found a fuckin English translation anywhere!
I would much rather read about existentialism in plain English!

See if you can find the movie. I believe there's an old crappy one out there with subtitles. Like so old and so crappy that it's absolutely hilarious.