View Full Version : Worthless blog entry #342384923149

05-03-2003, 07:45 PM
I wanted my day to end about 2 seconds after waking up. It was just one of those days.

I worked the closing shift last night training a new chickie and had to work the opening shift this morning to train yet another chickie. I had set the alarm last night prior to peaceful dreams.

I woke up 15 minutes before I needed to be at the office this morning!! Seems that I had set the alarm for 7pm, not am. Lovely!! So no shower, no real time for coffee, no time to even look presentable. That's always real nice when you are training a new person.

I couldn't get home fast enough today. And even though I got that extra hour of sleep, I am exhausted. arggghhh!!! Leaving a little early today helped a little, even some mexican takeout helped. But knowing that today is about over, priceless.