View Full Version : D'arcy hits back at Mancow photo leak

02-28-2018, 09:02 PM

ava transformer
02-28-2018, 09:06 PM

Disco King
02-28-2018, 09:09 PM
The mods literally consolidated all of your threads into one superthread, yet you still make a new one instead of just posting in that one.


02-28-2018, 09:09 PM
The mods literally consolidated all of your threads into one superthread, yet you still make a new one instead of just posting in that one.


This isn't part of the interview, she just sent the photo and story behind the Mancow pic yesterday.

Forgotten Child
02-28-2018, 09:13 PM
Manpig :banging:

02-28-2018, 09:17 PM
Yeah I'd say this is significant enough to warrant a new thread

Corgan's Bluff
02-28-2018, 09:21 PM
The alternative pinup for real men, not mancows... :love:

The cow that looks like a pig...

Forgotten Child
02-28-2018, 09:29 PM
Is Buttcannon still trying to convince D'arcy to change her mind about the reunion?

02-28-2018, 09:37 PM
If she put on a lot of makeup, I don't think she would look bad at all.

02-28-2018, 09:38 PM
Is Buttcannon still trying to convince D'arcy to change her mind about the reunion?

It's very complicated, and to be honest I don't even know whose decision it is at this point. Buttcannon has communicated that he'd like to see Billy and D'arcy get to a place where that could happen, but that D'arcy ultimately should do what makes her happy.

02-28-2018, 10:07 PM
Doing the Lord's work, Buttcannon.

02-28-2018, 10:19 PM
:hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:

Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 10:46 PM
I’m glad that she is feeling more secure about her appearance, but honestly people are way too obsessed with how she looks, which I think wouldn’t be the case if she was a man.
Still has her snarky wit I see. Always enjoyed her sarcastic remarks and occasional trolling of Corgan in interviews.

02-28-2018, 10:51 PM
:hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:

back off bitch.

I saw brett first

02-28-2018, 11:05 PM
I’m glad that she is feeling more secure about her appearance, but honestly people are way too obsessed with how she looks, which I think wouldn’t be the case if she was a man.
Still has her snarky wit I see. Always enjoyed her sarcastic remarks and occasional trolling of Corgan in interviews.


Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 11:07 PM

Your comment along with your avatar confuse me

Not trying to be rude I’m just confused why you have that avatar if you’re a big fan of her

Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 11:09 PM
It's very complicated, and to be honest I don't even know whose decision it is at this point. Buttcannon has communicated that he'd like to see Billy and D'arcy get to a place where that could happen, but that D'arcy ultimately should do what makes her happy.

I want to see her and Iha reunite. That would be the most touching reunion IMO. It’d be so nice to see those two hanging out again.

02-28-2018, 11:09 PM
it's mugshots of women I love!

Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 11:11 PM
Lol you love Paris Hilton?

02-28-2018, 11:13 PM
I had something to say but I forgot

02-28-2018, 11:15 PM
Lol you love Paris Hilton?

I do!

Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 11:18 PM
The question now is will Billy respond with a selfie of his own?

02-28-2018, 11:18 PM
I want to see her and Iha reunite. That would be the most touching reunion IMO. It’d be so nice to see those two hanging out again.

I don't see that happening as long as Billy and D'arcy are feuding, since now James seems to be on Team Billy.

Squish Squash
02-28-2018, 11:20 PM
I don't see that happening as long as Billy and D'arcy are feuding, since now James seems to be on Team Billy.

Which makes zero sense to me. He’s always taken her side in the past; they were best friends (and more than friends before that). He must be upset with her for some reason

teh b0lly!!1
02-28-2018, 11:33 PM
Stop making daily sensationalistic threads you fucking piece of clickbait fake journalist shit

03-01-2018, 12:08 AM
Stop making daily sensationalistic threads you fucking piece of clickbait fake journalist shit

03-01-2018, 12:11 AM
back off bitch.

I saw brett first

03-01-2018, 12:16 AM
Stop making daily sensationalistic threads you fucking piece of clickbait fake journalist shit

C'mon man, show Brett some respect. We all know you're the man B0lly, but relax a bit.... He's landed some great scoops and I'm happy for him that D'arcy is giving him these exclusives.

Regarding the article, D'arcy still looks really pretty. Sure, she's aged a bit but she looks A LOT better than in that 1 pic with her boyfriend that was circulating. It's a shame Corgan's too stubborn. IT'S NOT EVEN LIKE YOU NEED A TALENTED BASSIST IN SP... "you think YOU'RE better than Jack Bates?"... Yes Billy, she IS better than Jack Baits... Way fucking better

03-01-2018, 12:20 AM

Haters gonna hate

03-01-2018, 12:26 AM
insight scoop

03-01-2018, 12:26 AM

03-01-2018, 12:26 AM
Haters gonna hate

03-01-2018, 12:27 AM

03-01-2018, 12:33 AM
Yep no plastic surgery to see here folks time to move on

03-01-2018, 12:41 AM
If it wasn't for the lips, most people wouldn't say anything.

03-01-2018, 12:41 AM
though it looks like she may have got a nose job too... But the way people talk, you'd think she is 2009 Bruce Jenner.

03-01-2018, 12:47 AM
inside poop

03-01-2018, 12:48 AM
for real tho why does teh bolly hate butt brettcannon so much


03-01-2018, 12:53 AM
Hell if I know. I get if he doesn't enjoy the more click-baity stuff on his site, but a mans gotta make a living. It's the way of the web.

03-01-2018, 12:55 AM
Hey Brett, is the money you get from Alt Nation enough to sustain from getting a real job, or do you have to do something else part time too?

Butt Pope
03-01-2018, 01:12 AM
Did her lips get stung by bees

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 02:16 AM
Stop making daily sensationalistic threads you fucking piece of clickbait fake journalist shit

THESE D'arcy articles are NOT clickbait stories. :noway:
So STOP yelling here around for them. :rolleyes:
...and bugging with silly hate threads. :nooooo:

03-01-2018, 02:31 AM
Hey Brett, is the money you get from Alt Nation enough to sustain from getting a real job, or do you have to do something else part time too?

Buttcannon's never had a real job. He worked his fucking ass off though to make this happen.

Clickbait headlines are used because Facebook and Google have monopolized the internet, and their algorithms (Facebook especially) are designed in a way that literally the only way for articles to gain traction now are with clickbait headlines. Without a clickbait headline, it's basically a waste of time to write an article. I really hope that somehow the government can find a way to break up their monopolies so people can have multiple apps/platforms to get their content, if that happens I do think the clickbait model could change a bit when it comes to headline formatting, but it's just the way it is right now.

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 02:32 AM
though it looks like she may have got a nose job too... But the way people talk, you'd think she is 2009 Bruce Jenner.

The allergic lip reaction from a kiss of Mickey Rourke is the only story that makes sense of them all... :rofl:

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 02:42 AM
Yep no plastic surgery to see here folks time to move on

Leave her because she had a plastic surgery? :erm:

03-01-2018, 02:53 AM
Also what I don't get about these Billy die hards going after me (they're coming hard on Twitter) is I'm still a big fan of his. I've never attacked him, if anything I've overly kissed his ass over the years to troll the Consequence of Sound types who shit on him in just about every article. Even the stuff on ticket sales was actually supportive if people would actually take the time to read it, outside of the stuff with fans shitting on ticket prices, but those are real quotes from fans.

I think it's difficult for some to comprehend that I'm a fan of both D'arcy and Billy, D'arcy just happens to be the one agreeing to an interview right now. If they've got an issue with what D'arcy said that's up to them, but don't shoot the messenger. It's not my job to censor the opinions of people I speak to or report on. If anybody heard the full audio too they'd hear there are several times I could have baited D'arcy to go further down certain paths but didn't. Also I was shit on Netphoria until the interview, how can I be a Billy hater if I wasn't super popular on here for awhile? I post on here because it seems like the only Pumpkins board right now where stuff doesn't get deleted.

Also I had an off the record hourlong conversation with Billy about 7 years ago (a few years before the 2014 interview we did) that I have never spoken about online, if I was biased against the guy why would I keep the details of that conversation to myself?

03-01-2018, 03:07 AM
You can’t reason with those pathetic sad machines pricks. Billy is all they have. It’s like witnessing an abusice family trying to function.

Mals Marola
03-01-2018, 03:12 AM
I’m glad that she is feeling more secure about her appearance, but honestly people are way too obsessed with how she looks, which I think wouldn’t be the case if she was a man.
Still has her snarky wit I see. Always enjoyed her sarcastic remarks and occasional trolling of Corgan in interviews.

oh please
Corgan's appearance is referenced/picked apart daily around here

03-01-2018, 03:14 AM
Yep no plastic surgery to see here folks time to move on

Fuck you... An ode to you

Mals Marola
03-01-2018, 03:15 AM
i know that was brought up the last time the whole "if she wasn't a girl" thing was used, but seriously, you just can't argue that on a place where the lead singer's weight fluctuations are practically held under a microscope

03-01-2018, 03:21 AM
You can when he relegated her position in the band as nonexistent or without importance in your stupid posts. Dude. She was in the band. You were trying to impress her. So what she vetoed or gave the thumbs up to you didn't question because you didn't question her taste. That and as you say she was there in the room for every great song... You don't change that formula and expect the same results.

03-01-2018, 03:23 AM
You can’t reason with those pathetic sad machines pricks. Billy is all they have. It’s like witnessing an abusice family trying to function.

I just don't get it, I'm a big fan of the guy. Even after the interview, I have never posted a piece saying fans shouldn't support the tour because no D'arcy, I've said while it sucks she's not there it's still great that Billy, James, and Jimmy are back together.

Just because I interviewed a person who isn't a big fan of him right now (who provided text messages for it that she would have posted herself if not sent to me) I'm the enemy? It's just ridiculous.

I wish Billy had some people in his ear right now who would encourage some level of direct communication with D'arcy, I would hope at the very least they could calm down some of the bad feelings and find some peace with each other.

While if she should have said or did everything she did in the interview is obviously up to anybody's opinion, what is clear from that interview is she felt very badly hurt and betrayed by Billy with the reunion, and it reopened old wounds that just came pouring out.

03-01-2018, 03:32 AM
Corgan thanks for buying no ticket:

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="8" style=" ************#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" ************#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" ************url( pWqozAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAAAFzUkdCAK7OHOkAAAAMUExURczMzPf399fX1+bm5mzY 9AMAAADiSURBVDjLvZXbEsMgCES5/P8/t9FuRVCRmU73JWlzosgSIIZURCjo/ad+EQJJB4Hv8BFt+IDpQoCx1wjOSBFhh2XssxEIYn3ulI/6MNReE07UIWJEv8UEOWDS88LY97kqyTliJKKtuYBbruAyVh5wO HiXmpi5we58Ek028czwyuQdLKPG1Bkb4NnM+VeAnfHqn1k4+GP T6uGQcvu2h2OVuIf/gWUFyy8OWEpdyZSa3aVCqpVoVvzZZ2VTnn2wU8qzVjDDetO90G Sy9mVLqtgYSy231MxrY6I2gGqjrTY0L8fxCxfCBbhWrsYYAAAA AElFTkSuQmCC); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Thank you</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Ein Beitrag geteilt von <a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> WilliamPatrickCorgan</a> (@williampcorgan) am <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2018-02-28T00:30:44+00:00">Feb 27, 2018 um 4:30 PST</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>

[yQUOTE=WeilandFan;4423227]I just don't get it, I'm a big fan of the guy. Even after the interview, I have never posted a piece saying fans shouldn't support the tour because no D'arcy, I've said while it sucks she's not there it's still great that Billy, James, and Jimmy are back together.

Just because I interviewed a person who isn't a big fan of him right now (who provided text messages for it that she would have posted herself if not sent to me) I'm the enemy? It's just ridiculous.

I wish Billy had some people in his ear right now who would encourage some level of direct communication with D'arcy, I would hope at the very least they could calm down some of the bad feelings and find some peace with each other.

While if she should have said or did everything she did in the interview is obviously up to anybody's opinion, what is clear from that interview is she felt very badly hurt and betrayed by Billy with the reunion, and it reopened old wounds that just came pouring out.[/QUOTE]

You know what a normal person would do? Call the person who was in the trenches with you early on, and then through Jimmy and Jonathan, and on and on, and just speak as a human not a brand or corporation.

And recognize everyone is fallible and realize the music made with these 4 people was the only reason the music came out the way it did was because of the 4 people

Try Try Give Up
03-01-2018, 03:55 AM
Perhaps the surprising thing is that D’arcy didn’t mention the other account that posted the photo with an equally offensive caption that many on here assumed to be an alt of Billy.

I’m glad she corrected herself on the important issue though. Pigs are smart. Smarter than dogs. Between the insults and bacon sandwiches, they’ve had a really rough time of it.

03-01-2018, 04:01 AM

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 04:21 AM
Atlanta had the most tasteful sounding pigs. :apopcorn:

03-01-2018, 04:26 AM

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 05:02 AM
Pumpkins without make up...

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 05:06 AM
Perhaps the surprising thing is that D’arcy didn’t mention the other account that posted the photo with an equally offensive caption that many on here assumed to be an alt of Billy.

I’m glad she corrected herself on the important issue though. Pigs are smart. Smarter than dogs. Between the insults and bacon sandwiches, they’ve had a really rough time of it.

How do you come to the conclusion that many of us here would think that instagram account to be directly from Billy? Just because Chloe Mendel was following it for a short time?
And how do you come to the conclusion that D'arcy should have mentioned an anonymous instagram account, which connections are not clearly known and which could have copied and pasted the picture from the Mancow Muller sites?

My correction on yourself: Pigs are smart. Dogs are smart too. But you are smart like a bacon sandwich.

Cool As Ice Cream
03-01-2018, 05:28 AM
Buttcannon's never had a real job. He worked his fucking ass off though to make this happen.

do you have rich parents?

03-01-2018, 05:49 AM
Anybody critical of how D'Arcy looks should remember she is like 50yo. It's just the last time you saw her she was 30.

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 09:13 AM
BTW, could it be that D'arcy has read :blush:ur remarks here on Netphoria about wearing permanently make up?

“It is fuzzy because I didn’t realize the live thing was on – though I really like the slight visual motion. ZERO MAKEUP.”

03-01-2018, 09:37 AM
so after vehemently denying it over and over, weilandfan finally comes out at buttcannon.

that's my takeaway from this thread.

Cool As Ice Cream
03-01-2018, 10:00 AM
correction: does buttcannon have rich parents?

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 10:24 AM
Back in April 2011, when "Alternative Music" was "Grunge Report": launched exactly 2 years ago today! Back in the summer of 2009 averaged only a few hundred hits per day, and 2 years later the site averages thousands of hits per day. I really have to thank the loyal readers of the site for the support, especially the cool people who send in news and reviews like Paul, Terri, Ben, Andrei, and everybody else. Sometimes it takes a few days but I try to get to every e-mail. Also of course thanks to all of the bands I cover for continuing to kick ass like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Foo Fighters, and everybody else I cover. And to the haters like the ones who like to take thinly veiled shots at me on Twitter, quoting Chris Cornell in “Ty Cobb,” fuck you all!

Like I have mentioned a few times before on here, I do plan on launching a big more mainstream rock site sometime this year as a companion site to By mainstream I don’t mean Nickelback and Coldplay, I mean basically a rock site that covers good bands outside of just our favorite Grunge acts. I’ve been working on concepts for the site for months and have been taking my time to make sure the site is unique and successful, I don’t want to rush it.

Also like you have seen recently, my Dad and I launched a site called that is a viral internet marketing site that has contests where people can win prizes. Not exactly a musical website, but in this economy it would be nice if the idea ends up working out!

On a random note I actually had a long phone conversation with Billy Corgan several months back. I never thought to mention it on the site but thought I would now since this is a news and notes type article, it was about a project idea that didn’t end up working out. We talked about some other stuff too about the history of the Pumpkins. It was pretty trippy to talk to Billy though, interesting to say the least.

Anyways, that’s it. It should be an exciting third year for GrungeReport with Soundgarden’s tour/new album and PJ20. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail as always to grungereport


03-01-2018, 11:09 AM
No to rich parents. 2008 crash hit my family hard. My Dad does help with some tech stuff like WordPress updates and server upkeep when stuff like a server move happens, we have tried a couple other website ideas in the past. Yes I did mention that I talked to Corgan, but I've never written about specific things he said. It was a very interesting talk, I thought it was really cool that he'd talk to someone my age at the time.

03-01-2018, 11:19 AM
How do you come to the conclusion that many of us here would think that instagram account to be directly from Billy? Just because Chloe Mendel was following it for a short time?
And how do you come to the conclusion that D'arcy should have mentioned an anonymous instagram account, which connections are not clearly known and which could have copied and pasted the picture from the Mancow Muller sites?

My correction on yourself: Pigs are smart. Dogs are smart too. But you are smart like a bacon sandwich.

the insta account posted the picture first, before anyone else

03-01-2018, 11:21 AM
No to rich parents. 2008 crash hit my family hard. My Dad does help with some tech stuff like WordPress updates and server upkeep when stuff like a server move happens, we have tried a couple other website ideas in the past. Yes I did mention that I talked to Corgan, but I've never written about specific things he said. It was a very interesting talk, I thought it was really cool that he'd talk to someone my age at the time.

how did the chat come about? he contacted you first?

03-01-2018, 11:22 AM
As mentioned in the new article, D'arcy only knew about the photo getting out because friends had told her. She hasn't looked online to see everywhere it was posted like that Instagram page.

03-01-2018, 11:36 AM
how did the chat come about? he contacted you first?

Kerry Brown posted about wanting people for documenting making of TBK for like a film/book, I think it went up on SP page. So I contacted Kerry out of curiosity and he set up a call about a book. I think the book thing may have been some miscommunication though, because once on phone there wasn't any real talk of TBK and was more so just general book ideas being thrown out there. Very cool talk, but I didn't follow up on anything because it didn't seem like what I initially thought it would be about, and that it wasn't necessarily going to be an official SP book or making of TBK. I did have an opportunity but it wasn't concrete enough for me to want to put time into it. Was awesome though to talk to Billy, it was interesting to get his take on things in a non interview talk. I've kind of lost interest in ever wanting to do something like a book, it'd need to be something really cool and there'd have to be a good money deal.

03-01-2018, 11:40 AM
By the way...did D'Arcy tell you why she deleted her Facebook page?

03-01-2018, 11:44 AM
By the way...did D'Arcy tell you why she deleted her Facebook page?

Like I said before she got confused or something froze up and she hasn't bothered reactivating it. She's not super tech savvy, though she's very good at sending funny text messages lol.

03-01-2018, 12:32 PM

Be still my beating heart!

03-01-2018, 12:43 PM

Be still my beating heart!


03-01-2018, 12:44 PM
I've been working out...

03-01-2018, 12:52 PM

I may have to use this in the future, lol.

Forgotten Child
03-01-2018, 12:58 PM
Like I said before she got confused or something froze up and she hasn't bothered reactivating it. She's not super tech savvy, though she's very good at sending funny text messages lol.

Clearly she was expecting the same king of support after posting the printscreens, but then people started telling her she was wrong.

03-01-2018, 01:52 PM
Anybody critical of how D'Arcy looks should remember she is like 50yo. It's just the last time you saw her she was 30.

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 03:58 PM
Clearly she was expecting the same king of support after posting the printscreens, but then people started telling her she was wrong.

The bigger kind of bad reaction might have been on the photo of D'arcy posted by ManCow on February 13th, the day her Facebook site shut down.

Forgotten Child
03-01-2018, 04:06 PM
Anybody critical of how D'Arcy looks should remember she is like 50yo. It's just the last time you saw her she was 30.

I hope you say the same when people start "body shaming" Billy as well.

Forgotten Child
03-01-2018, 04:15 PM
The bigger kind of bad reaction might have been on the photo of D'arcy posted by ManCow on February 13th, the day her Facebook site shut down.

I don't think she was aware of that tho. As soon as she posted Billy's texts it backfired on her. Even though most of the people were very polite trying to show her it sounded more like Billy tried his best to have her playing with them again. In her opinion, he was only using her, but well that's business, I'm sure she would get something back from the whole reunion too.

She was replying to everybody trying to make things clear, quoting a conversation that wasn't part of the printscreens (the one where Billy supposedly said she had no chances to be part of the band again anyway), and a few minutes after that she went offline and then deleted her facebook.

I noticed she deleted a few posts on her other profile as well. Or made them private.

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 04:17 PM
I may have to use this in the future, lol.

I doubt that D'arcy might like to be shown in such intimacy with Billy...

Corgan's Bluff
03-01-2018, 04:27 PM
I don't think she was aware of that tho. As soon as she posted Billy's texts it backfired on her. Even though most of the people were very polite trying to show her it sounded more like Billy tried his best to have her playing with them again. In her opinion, he was only using her, but well that's business, I'm sure she would get something back from the whole reunion too.

She was replying to everybody trying to make things clear, quoting a conversation that wasn't part of the printscreens (the one where Billy supposedly said she had no chances to be part of the band again anyway), and a few minutes after that she went offline and then deleted her facebook.

I noticed she deleted a few posts on her other profile as well. Or made them private.

Her Facebook account is not deleted, only muted. It is still counted in your friends list, but doesn't show up.

03-01-2018, 04:35 PM
buttcannon would make a fine young gay republican.

03-01-2018, 04:45 PM
I hope you say the same when people start "body shaming" Billy as well.

:rofl: Nice avatar you got there!

Try Try Give Up
03-01-2018, 04:51 PM
Anybody critical of how D'Arcy looks should remember she is like 50yo. It's just the last time you saw her she was 30.

It’s not an age thing. People have been talking about her changed appearance for the best part of 20 years.

There’s a new Breeders album out this week. Kim Deal is 56. The focus is on her music, not her looks. Although I think if there is any comment to make it’s that she looks happier and healthier than ever.

People want to see D’arcy like that. I’m sure Billy did too, but here we are.

03-01-2018, 06:25 PM
Buttcannon's never had a real job. He worked his fucking ass off though to make this happen.

Clickbait headlines are used because Facebook and Google have monopolized the internet, and their algorithms (Facebook especially) are designed in a way that literally the only way for articles to gain traction now are with clickbait headlines. Without a clickbait headline, it's basically a waste of time to write an article. I really hope that somehow the government can find a way to break up their monopolies so people can have multiple apps/platforms to get their content, if that happens I do think the clickbait model could change a bit when it comes to headline formatting, but it's just the way it is right now.

That's sweet man! The sites really become a juggernaut. What ever happened to that Magic Mike guy who posted on the site? He was hilarious:rofl:

I really don't mind the clickbait stuff. It's actually kind of clever in a way. I don't mean this offensively but it's kind of like TMZ for alt rockers.

03-01-2018, 06:28 PM
It’s not an age thing. People have been talking about her changed appearance for the best part of 20 years.

There’s a new Breeders album out this week. Kim Deal is 56. The focus is on her music, not her looks. Although I think if there is any comment to make it’s that she looks happier and healthier than ever.

People want to see D’arcy like that. I’m sure Billy did too, but here we are.

I'd like to think that Billys intentions are pure, but it's clear with this venture that he's just interested in cashing in... The focus isn't on new music like with Deal.

If Billy was smart he would have rolled the dice with D'arcy while having Jack Bates on retainer in case she couldn't handle the workload. That way it's win-win. It's not like it would cost that much to pay Bates.

Oklahoma Sexual
03-01-2018, 06:32 PM

can someone photoshop billiam's head onto this suit? and keep the hair?

03-01-2018, 06:53 PM

03-01-2018, 07:04 PM
This isn't part of the interview, she just sent the photo and story behind the Mancow pic yesterday.

So dd you give up on the 3rd person thing or just got so excited you forgot?

03-01-2018, 07:10 PM
That's sweet man! The sites really become a juggernaut. What ever happened to that Magic Mike guy who posted on the site? He was hilarious:rofl:

I really don't mind the clickbait stuff. It's actually kind of clever in a way. I don't mean this offensively but it's kind of like TMZ for alt rockers.

He's not going to pay you to write for him.

03-01-2018, 07:14 PM

Dude should be writing for them

03-01-2018, 08:38 PM
I'd like to think that Billys intentions are pure


03-01-2018, 08:39 PM
So dd you give up on the 3rd person thing or just got so excited you forgot?

not sure why you're giving him shit, it was just a shtick

03-01-2018, 08:40 PM
The lower the bar idols set, the more the "fans" have to limbo under it.

03-01-2018, 08:43 PM

can someone photoshop billiam's head onto this suit? and keep the hair?

I may have to frame that if somebody does that.

03-01-2018, 08:44 PM
So dd you give up on the 3rd person thing or just got so excited you forgot?

Using wrestling terms, I've broken kayfabe and I'm going out of character and shooting for some posts.

03-01-2018, 08:49 PM
I take the TMZ thing as a compliment, they've broken some huge stories. Always I try to have a sense of humor about the dumb stuff like they do.

To fuzzy, Magic Mike still does some off and on work behind the scenes. A lot of the writers back then I had because I thought you needed a staff to get on Google news, most stories they wrote were mainly stuff I sent them, that to be honest is quicker for me to just do myself. Mike's bigger role was/has always been communicating with PR type people. I do need to put out a thing for more editorial type writers though, I don't have time to write longform stuff like the D'arcy interview all of the time. Any time you spend a lot of time on a long article with today's Facebook algorithms, you are risking having spent a lot of time on something nobody will read.

03-01-2018, 08:53 PM
do you have stats on how many hits that article got you? seemed like it blew up, no? rolling stone, pitchfork, and others linked to it directly i believe

03-01-2018, 08:58 PM
big pimpin yo

hate the game
not the studmuffin

03-01-2018, 08:58 PM
do you have stats on how many hits that article got you? seemed like it blew up, no? rolling stone, pitchfork, and others linked to it directly i believe

A lot, second highest read article ever behind this one I did on Tom Petty's daughter shitting on Rolling Stone the day he died.

03-01-2018, 10:35 PM
well that's vague. what's a lot? 50,000? more?

03-01-2018, 10:40 PM
well that's vague. what's a lot? 50,000? more?

Way more.

03-01-2018, 10:41 PM
I take the TMZ thing as a compliment, they've broken some huge stories. Always I try to have a sense of humor about the dumb stuff like they do.

To fuzzy, Magic Mike still does some off and on work behind the scenes. A lot of the writers back then I had because I thought you needed a staff to get on Google news, most stories they wrote were mainly stuff I sent them, that to be honest is quicker for me to just do myself. Mike's bigger role was/has always been communicating with PR type people. I do need to put out a thing for more editorial type writers though, I don't have time to write longform stuff like the D'arcy interview all of the time. Any time you spend a lot of time on a long article with today's Facebook algorithms, you are risking having spent a lot of time on something nobody will read.

Shit, so you're pretty much rocking the site alone now hey? That's gotta be tough. I get that you report on stuff that you're genuinely into, but a site like that seems like it would be nonstop work. You don't really get to ever take a break or anything eh?

03-01-2018, 10:42 PM
Just talked to D'arcy, told her some of the nice comments people have made about the pic, she's very appreciative.

03-01-2018, 10:45 PM
The lower the bar idols set, the more the "fans" have to limbo under it.

"Those aren't fans" :billy:

03-01-2018, 10:54 PM
Shit, so you're pretty much rocking the site alone now hey? That's gotta be tough. I get that you report on stuff that you're genuinely into, but a site like that seems like it would be nonstop work. You don't really get to ever take a break or anything eh?

It pretty much has to be me covering all the daily 90's rock news. The issue with the daily news headlines is it has gotten so competitive with the algorithms now that even if a headline is slightly off nobody will read it (or see the Facebook post/Google News headline), I can't trust people who don't have the experience I do with doing that. You basically have to either be first or one of the first on a story, and it has to involve sex/drugs/nostalgia/emotion/hatred/be super cute or nobody will read it, and there have to be very famous names in the headline. I know I get a lot of shit for the types of headlines but I pretty much have to do it, there is no other option. People can thank Mark Zuckerberg for that.

What I could use though is more people writing editorials, and maybe doing some interviews as well (I've become too cynical about publicists to deal with them unless they're paying me to cover their unknown band), then I can figure out the headlines. I need to put up an open call for that. I'm also looking into having some podcast/video content soon, but it has to be done right and good. For videos I only really want to have female reporters doing them. Nobody wants to look at me blab on about this shit. I want to expand the type of stuff we cover too into more areas of rock and music, I'm trying to acquire some social media pages to expand that.

When it comes to the schedule I do not ever take complete off days no matter what. How I look at it is I don't have to go into a fucking office, so why should I have off days? Also having zero off days helps make up for the periods where traffic/money is down. The traffic can definitely fluctuate. It can be very stressful due to all of the variables of micro managing a lot of stuff but again I'm thankful to get to write about bands I love.

I also don't have to be sitting in one place for 10 hours or go to an office. I usually like working in the mornings and then going to the gym and then go for a swim/standup paddle board in the afternoon, then do some more work in evening. I also can travel and work, I was stopping at Starbucks to post updates on Chris Cornell's funeral when I was on a trip to Washington DC last year.

03-01-2018, 11:09 PM
so the key to these wonderful algorithms is to use the word Reveal in the title?

03-01-2018, 11:10 PM
so the key to these wonderful algorithms is to use the word Reveal in the title?

Yes, for some reason reveal does well.

03-01-2018, 11:19 PM
It pretty much has to be me covering all the daily 90's rock news. The issue with the daily news headlines is it has gotten so competitive with the algorithms now that even if a headline is slightly off nobody will read it (or see the Facebook post/Google News headline), I can't trust people who don't have the experience I do with doing that. You basically have to either be first or one of the first on a story, and it has to involve sex/drugs/nostalgia/emotion/hatred/be super cute or nobody will read it, and there have to be very famous names in the headline. I know I get a lot of shit for the types of headlines but I pretty much have to do it, there is no other option. People can thank Mark Zuckerberg for that.

What I could use though is more people writing editorials, and maybe doing some interviews as well (I've become too cynical about publicists to deal with them unless they're paying me to cover their unknown band), then I can figure out the headlines. I need to put up an open call for that. I'm also looking into having some podcast/video content soon, but it has to be done right and good. For videos I only really want to have female reporters doing them. Nobody wants to look at me blab on about this shit. I want to expand the type of stuff we cover too into more areas of rock and music, I'm trying to acquire some social media pages to expand that.

When it comes to the schedule I do not ever take complete off days no matter what. How I look at it is I don't have to go into a fucking office, so why should I have off days? Also having zero off days helps make up for the periods where traffic/money is down. The traffic can definitely fluctuate. It can be very stressful due to all of the variables of micro managing a lot of stuff but again I'm thankful to get to write about bands I love.

I also don't have to be sitting in one place for 10 hours or go to an office. I usually like working in the mornings and then going to the gym and then go for a swim/standup paddle board in the afternoon, then do some more work in evening. I also can travel and work, I was stopping at Starbucks to post updates on Chris Cornell's funeral when I was on a trip to Washington DC last year.

Hell yeah man, that sounds rad. That's gotta be the nice part. Just doing it throughout the day when you feel like it. No assholes to answer to or anything like that. Being able to do it on the fly is sweet too. Don't have to worry about taking time off to travel or anything like that.

Podcast sounds like a dope idea dude. I don't really think there is any big ones out there that cover the kind of music that you do. You'd definitely be filling a niche that is ripe for the taking.

03-01-2018, 11:27 PM
ur dad is ripe for the taking

03-01-2018, 11:37 PM
It pretty much has to be me covering all the daily 90's rock news. The issue with the daily news headlines is it has gotten so competitive with the algorithms now that even if a headline is slightly off nobody will read it (or see the Facebook post/Google News headline), I can't trust people who don't have the experience I do with doing that. You basically have to either be first or one of the first on a story, and it has to involve sex/drugs/nostalgia/emotion/hatred/be super cute or nobody will read it, and there have to be very famous names in the headline. I know I get a lot of shit for the types of headlines but I pretty much have to do it, there is no other option. People can thank Mark Zuckerberg for that.

What I could use though is more people writing editorials, and maybe doing some interviews as well (I've become too cynical about publicists to deal with them unless they're paying me to cover their unknown band), then I can figure out the headlines. I need to put up an open call for that. I'm also looking into having some podcast/video content soon, but it has to be done right and good. For videos I only really want to have female reporters doing them. Nobody wants to look at me blab on about this shit. I want to expand the type of stuff we cover too into more areas of rock and music, I'm trying to acquire some social media pages to expand that.

When it comes to the schedule I do not ever take complete off days no matter what. How I look at it is I don't have to go into a fucking office, so why should I have off days? Also having zero off days helps make up for the periods where traffic/money is down. The traffic can definitely fluctuate. It can be very stressful due to all of the variables of micro managing a lot of stuff but again I'm thankful to get to write about bands I love.

I also don't have to be sitting in one place for 10 hours or go to an office. I usually like working in the mornings and then going to the gym and then go for a swim/standup paddle board in the afternoon, then do some more work in evening. I also can travel and work, I was stopping at Starbucks to post updates on Chris Cornell's funeral when I was on a trip to Washington DC last year.

i've never gone on your site from my phone (as far as i recall), and your howard stern/chris cornell suicide article came on my newsfeed right after some politics stuff (today). obviously it knows i read about SP and whatever but i was pretty surprised to see it.

also seeing ads for the shiny and oh so shit tour everywhere

03-01-2018, 11:42 PM
"Nobody wants to look at me blab on about this shit."

So handsome and yet so humble. :)

03-02-2018, 02:38 AM
It pretty much has to be me covering all the daily 90's rock news.

The 90s were ten years ago dude

03-02-2018, 02:39 AM
The 90s were ten years ago dude

It was ten years ago, ten years ago.

03-02-2018, 04:13 AM
can someone photoshop billiam's head onto this suit? and keep the hair?

I may have to frame that if somebody does that.

Cool As Ice Cream
03-02-2018, 04:21 AM
omg yes :D

Cool As Ice Cream
03-02-2018, 04:22 AM
He's not going to pay you to write for him.


03-02-2018, 05:58 AM
Darcy wasnt in the band for 18 years. She could never take a whole tour due to her lack of selfesteem. She seems completed wacked, insecure and might have a drug or alcohol problem.

Billy is an arrogant pisser that makes announcements of announcements - and most important: he makes shitty albums.

I really avoid another SP show. Unmotivated Billy playing thru his set emotionlessly, not talking to the crowd (but shitting on it) - spitting around wildly on stage - BILL it´s no wonder that you aren´t successful anymore, cause firstly you make 2-3 stars records and attacking and blaming anyone except yourself for your lack of success.

Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed.
There still seems to be bad blood around the pumpkins and once again they are DEAD in my eyes.

He won´t do a European tour cause the last tours were half empty.

panda show
03-02-2018, 06:04 AM
one thing baffles me - why does she (it seems) consistently wax her eyebrows?
she did it in like, 1998, and it was really weird but she seems to keep on waxing/shaving them and it just makes her look very odd.

Cool As Ice Cream
03-02-2018, 08:27 AM
Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. 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Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. 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Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes.

Corgan's Bluff
03-02-2018, 09:00 AM
Yes, for some reason reveal does well.

You were quick with your Copy & Paste of a translationed interview I posted yesterday in another thread. So quick, you wrote the name of the interviewer wrong in your introduction... :noway:

Hole’s Eric Erlandson Reveals Who Refused To Help Kurt Cobain
By Brett Buchanan -

Mar 2, 2018

Marcel Anderson recently interviewed former Hole guitarist Eric Erlandson. He discussed Nirvana’s manager and record label refusing to acknowledge that Cobain was suicidal, despite his music obviously showing he had mental health issues. Keep in mind these excerpts are translated so the verbiage isn’t exactly right.

Anders: “Letters To Kurt” – letters to Kurt – is a tribute to Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain, who shot himself in April 1994. Do you have guilt feelings about his death?

Erlandson: Well, I had a lot of friends who killed themselves. And he is the most famous of them. He was the icon of our generation and he stands for so much. In that sense, that’s why I started to study suicide. Simply, because I had no idea. When you first experience this, you’re putting together your own part, why people do that, why they choose this path, and how you can help them decide differently.

Anders: And you could not help Kurt Cobain?

Erlandson: Had I known then what I know today, I would have intervened. Because Kurt Cobain was the perfect example of a suicidal person. His songs were an obvious indication, as were his diaries, which read about a million times: “I hate myself and want to die.” But all that came from his manager and label was: “He’s only formulating his lyrics.” No! He expressed what he felt. Unfortunately, I was too busy running Courtney back then. Today I think: Maybe I have focused on the wrong person.

:uzi: :bananamac :uzi: :bananamac :uzi: :bananamac :uzi: :bananamac :uzi: :bananamac

Eric Erlandson - From grunge guitarist to Buddhist monk 2018/01/08

In the 90s, the band Hole was one of the pioneers of grunge and their guitarist was Eric Erlandson. When the band broke up, Erlandson left the music world - and became a monk. Shortly before his 55th birthday, he speaks in the “Deutschlandfunk” about his "Letters To Kurt", self-destruction and spiritual lifeline.
Eric Erlandson in a corso with Marcel Anders 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=f5ccd6

In the 90s Eric Erlandson (right) was guitarist of the American rock band Hole and thus Sidekick of Courtney Love (center) and close confidant of her husband, Kurt Cobain

Marcel Anders: Mr. Erlandson, what do you find in the Buddhist beliefs that Rock'n'Roll does not seem to offer?

Eric Erlandson: I identify with Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism because it is based on the law of cause and effect. Say: He is not too esoteric, but a spiritual model for ordinary people. It helps you overcome the problems in your life by advancing to their roots instead of putting something like a religious plaster on it.

Anders: When did you start to study it intensively?

Erlandson: I have been practicing Buddhism since 1990. So at the time we started the band. Funnily, it was Courtney who made me do it, and I kept on doing it - while she was more spontaneous. Sometimes more sometimes less. I, on the other hand, was pretty consistent, especially since the band broke up. In the 90's, faith kept me together. And it was very helpful to have a tool that was not about self-destruction.

Completely burned out

Anders: That sounds like a spiritual lifeline. How necessary did they have that?

Erlandson: I was completely burned out. I'd spent years of hard work on the music, but by the late '90s everything had collapsed - because Courtney was suffering from this terrible I-can-do-it-all disease. Then she sued our record company and I got involved because my name appeared on all contracts. I finally settled out of court and was happy to leave everything behind.

Anders: Can you ask, why Hole failed as a band?

Erlandson: When we started, we had a specific goal and a lot of plans. I seriously thought we would change the world. But when I look back, I have to admit: we were just a band. We've achieved a bit, but I've also realized that you can only change the world if you really reach people. 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=fa9a02

“Hole” in front of a concert at Loft Berlin 1991

Anders: Did not you succeed?

Erlandson: No. We had a song that was about to reach the top 40 in America. But then Courtney brought everything to a standstill. And that's why I'm talking about a classic case of megalomania, with which she shot herself in the foot. So bad that it was incomprehensible to anyone. She went on stage in Vancouver and said, "This is our last show, I'm off to make a movie." An underground strip about the life of William Burroughs, which hardly anyone has seen. Why did everyone ask: For that she broke off the tour and dissolved the band? It did not make sense. We have been scrounging for ten years. And I still lived in a bastard when we recorded "Celebrity Skin". Our record company said we sold 1.5 million copies of Live Through This and 1.5 million of Celebrity Skin. But unlike them, I never saw a dime.

"You should write a book"

Anders: Why did not you start a solo career afterwards - or at least try a new musical beginning?

Erlandson: I had lots of offers from people who wanted to start some super groups with me. And many thought: He will become a second Dave Grohl and who knows what. But my reaction was: I do not want to be like Dave. Instead, I drove around the area one night with a friend and told her all those stories I experienced. What she meant: You should write a book. That was in 2000. And it took me a long time to get it done. Although: If you look at a great author like Patti Smith, then she was already a good writer before she even started a band. And she also needed time to write "kids". Before, she had written a book of poetry, a homage to Robert Mapplethorpe. That was in the 90s. In that sense, it took her 15 years of preparation before she tackled "kids." She started it, then put it aside and eventually finished it. Which is why I said it: I do it like her and put together snapshots of that time, just to get the ball rolling. For prose poems are a great way to develop as a writer and at the same time to hide behind it. 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=404704

Courtney Love with her band Hole at the MTV Movie Awards in 1999. The only male musician: Eric Erlandson.

Anders: With a classic rock star biography you would certainly have gained more attention and earned more money. Why did you refuse the format?

Erlandson: At the beginning of the 2000s, anyone who used to be in a rock band wrote an autobiography. I did not want to go in the same direction. But when I published the poetry book, people said: We want real stories with lots of dirty laundry. I thought that was a pity, because writing is not just about satisfying your own ego. Exactly: Look, what I have experienced everything. This is the problem of most biographies: The authors have not evolved, but only mourn their rock star life. Although they do not admit that they've built a lot of crap.

"Kurt Cobain was the icon of our generation"

Anders: "Letters To Kurt" - letters to Kurt - is a tribute to Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain, who shot himself in April 1994. Do you have guilt feelings about his death?

Erlandson: Well, I had a lot of friends who killed themselves. And he is the most famous of them. He was the icon of our generation and he stands for so much. In that sense, that's why I started to study suicide. Simply, because I had no idea. When you first experience this, you're putting together your own part, why people do that, why they choose this path, and how you can help them decide differently.

Anders: And you could not help Kurt Cobain? 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=79a7b9

"Kurt Cobain was a prime example of a suicidal person," says Erlandson today

Erlandson: Had I known then what I know today, I would have intervened. Because Kurt Cobain was the perfect example of a suicidal person. His songs were an obvious indication, as were his diaries, which read about a million times: "I hate myself and want to die." But all that came from his manager and label was: "He's only formulating his lyrics." No! He expressed what he felt. Unfortunately, I was too busy running Courtney back then. Today I think: Maybe I have focused on the wrong person.

"Copyright is a joke"

Anders: After all the drama in the 90s: How do you use your creativity today? Or: What is your activity in the temple?

Erlandson: I coach people. I advise and help you. If someone needs help and wants to change something in their life and is really ready for it, then I try to assist them with exercises. And I have my own mentors who do the same to me. I learn things from them and pass them on.

Anders: To be honest: Can you live on it?

Erlandson: Not really. To do that, I would have to find a way to cope with the modern age and get by with royalties of currently one penny per song. Because copyrights are a joke - they just bring a fraction of a penny. Only: human life is more important. Money is just money. A tool. We need it, but we also need a life.

03-02-2018, 09:38 AM
^^ loser

Cool As Ice Cream
03-02-2018, 09:44 AM
and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes.

Corgan's Bluff
03-02-2018, 10:13 AM
Hi D'arcy,

if you should read this to you dedicated thread:

I'm sure you can look cute in a carrot costume too. Only depends on the pattern style!

Though I would prefer a banana look on you, a banana to peel...

03-02-2018, 10:23 AM
(Could someone edit D'arcy's face in...)

Don't be an asshole Bluff.

Corgan's Bluff
03-02-2018, 10:47 AM
(Could someone edit D'arcy's face in...)

Could someone edit Corgan's face in...

D'arcy's more into riding horses than milking cows.

03-02-2018, 11:34 AM
Smaller venues couldn't contain darcys lips

03-02-2018, 11:38 AM
I wonder if she'd leave her lips alone and stop plumping them up would they go back to normal?

teh b0lly!!1
03-02-2018, 11:41 AM

03-02-2018, 11:54 AM
scaredy kat!

03-02-2018, 12:07 PM
scaredy kat!

OK OK fixed

03-02-2018, 04:16 PM


03-02-2018, 04:27 PM
corgan deepfakes pls

03-02-2018, 04:35 PM
one thing baffles me - why does she (it seems) consistently wax her eyebrows?
she did it in like, 1998, and it was really weird but she seems to keep on waxing/shaving them and it just makes her look very odd.

actually she probably bleached them and plucked them so much over the years that they won't grow back in anymore. probably not a conscious decision to not have eyebrows.

03-02-2018, 05:01 PM
that's fuckin hardcore

03-02-2018, 05:01 PM

this is also hardcore

03-02-2018, 06:30 PM
Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. Dárcy should stay on her farm milking cows and smoking weed. and once again they are DEAD in my eyes.
Sign me in, I'd join her. Peace+Love

Corgan's Bluff
03-02-2018, 06:42 PM
#wrong expectations

::: D'arcy's "Peace & Love"-Patrick boyfriend ::: pg

03-02-2018, 06:44 PM
#wrong expectations

::: D'arcy's "Peace & Love"-Patrick boyfriend ::: pg
Oh no!!! Please, gun control now! ignore the bill of rights and 2nd Amendment !!! p.s. still peace+love. the american way (peace through guns/war, right?). and in the name of God!

Squish Squash
03-02-2018, 06:55 PM
#wrong expectations

::: D'arcy's "Peace & Love"-Patrick boyfriend ::: pg

I love D’Arcy but her dating that psycho makes me suspect that:

1. she is really fucking crazy now


2. Drugs are involved


3. Trapped in an abusive relationship. Sure hope it’s not this.

I guess it’s also possible he’s a childhood friend that she thinks she can “change” lol. Seems like the exact opposite of who you’d think would be her type. Definitely polar opposites with James.

Squish Squash
03-02-2018, 06:57 PM
one thing baffles me - why does she (it seems) consistently wax her eyebrows?
she did it in like, 1998, and it was really weird but she seems to keep on waxing/shaving them and it just makes her look very odd.

It seems to me she started feeling unattractive around 1998 (which is ironic considering how hot she was in 1998) and I think this got much worse after her nervous breakdown.

03-02-2018, 07:12 PM
Maybe the "psychos" job requires to have a gun? +You suspect, guess, seem and think too much, don't you think?

Squish Squash
03-02-2018, 07:48 PM
Maybe the "psychos" job requires to have a gun? +You suspect, guess, seem and think too much, don't you think?

Calling him a psycho based on his FB posts not that pic.

03-02-2018, 07:53 PM
Calling him a psycho based on his FB posts not that pic.
Well excuse me for not knowing, but this is netphoria, not facebook aka I don’t stalk his facebiatch account.

03-02-2018, 08:15 PM
fame + recognition = insecurity

03-02-2018, 08:56 PM
actually she probably bleached them and plucked them so much over the years that they won't grow back in anymore. probably not a conscious decision to not have eyebrows.

yeah my mom overplucked them in the 70s and they stayed that way.

I overplucked mine for most of the 90s and am thankful they grew back.

03-02-2018, 08:59 PM
i haven't touched mine and now I have a straight hedgerow

03-03-2018, 12:26 AM
Darcy seems to have real problems. Her interviews were weird..bill wouldnt risk to take a wreck like darcy on tour. Healthy? Blablabla- milk a cow and then milk your hardcore wannabe marine. Drink some mate tea and watch mickey rourke movies, darcy.

1.she wasnt contributing much in the sp.
2. Her singing(on adore tour was weird)
3. Her bassplaying was mediocre
4. Drug abuse
5. Accusing billy for her fucked up lsdt 18 years.
6.the tour will suck anyway- the 4th tour where you hear the same worn out hits

03-03-2018, 01:37 AM
Darcy seems to have real problems. Her interviews were weird..bill wouldnt risk to take a wreck like darcy on tour. Healthy? Blablabla- milk a cow and then milk your hardcore wannabe marine. Drink some mate tea and watch mickey rourke movies, darcy.

1.she wasnt contributing much in the sp.
2. Her singing(on adore tour was weird)
3. Her bassplaying was mediocre
4. Drug abuse
5. Accusing billy for her fucked up lsdt 18 years.
6.the tour will suck anyway- the 4th tour where you hear the same worn out hits

Shut the fuck up or fuck the fuck off please. Littering the thread.

03-03-2018, 01:57 AM
Erlandson: I had lots of offers from people who wanted to start some super groups with me. And many thought: He will become a second Dave Grohl and who knows what.

But my reaction was: I do not want to be like Dave.

Seems like a reasonable guy.

03-03-2018, 02:15 AM
Darcy seems to have real problems. Her interviews were weird..bill wouldnt risk to take a wreck like darcy on tour. Healthy? Blablabla- milk a cow and then milk your hardcore wannabe marine. Drink some mate tea and watch mickey rourke movies, darcy.

1.she wasnt contributing much in the sp.
2. Her singing(on adore tour was weird)
3. Her bassplaying was mediocre
4. Drug abuse
5. Accusing billy for her fucked up lsdt 18 years.
6.the tour will suck anyway- the 4th tour where you hear the same worn out hits

Yeah fuck you you fucking troll

03-03-2018, 11:56 AM
You guys seem to have problems with free opinions? Do what you wanna do....say what you gotta say...

03-03-2018, 12:19 PM
If her bass playing was so mediocre, why is the original line up loved and adored and raved about when they performed live. Even Flood praised the four of them together as a unit. You're just some Billy taint licker passing off the BS he spouts as your own opinion like you know what you're even talking about. Piss off. The band were known for their live performances and each member was integral in that sound.

She was either A) a great bass player or B) a great bass player who had to play Billy's shitty basslines because, you know, Billy wrote EVERYTHING. She either brought her own or played exactly what Billy told her to play. If you believe the latter, then it's really Billy who is the shitty bass player.

03-03-2018, 12:43 PM
If her bass playing was so mediocre, why is the original line up loved and adored and raved about when they performed live. Even Flood praised the four of them together as a unit. You're just some Billy taint licker passing off the BS he spouts as your own opinion like you know what you're even talking about. Piss off. The band were known for their live performances and each member was integral in that sound.

She was either A) a great bass player or B) a great bass player who had to play Billy's shitty basslines because, you know, Billy wrote EVERYTHING. She either brought her own or played exactly what Billy told her to play. If you believe the latter, then it's really Billy who is the shitty bass player.

I've always thought they were a terrible live band. I never traded Pumpkins shows and never listen to them. I only started trading live shows when Zwan came around.

03-03-2018, 01:29 PM
You guys seem to have problems with free opinions? Do what you wanna do....say what you gotta say...

I pretty much agreed with what you said. Lots of h8rs here, Just ignore em. I like darcy and I kinda hate Billy. ..but that doesn't mean Billy is always wrong

Corgan's Bluff
03-04-2018, 05:11 AM
You guys seem to have problems with free opinions? Do what you wanna do....say what you gotta say...

I'm only worrying why you waste your time here at all with your complete negative opinion.

Why not better go and bug your neighbours instead...?

03-04-2018, 06:31 AM
:blush::Stupid:I'd like to think that Billys intentions are pure, but it's clear with this venture that he's just interested in cashing in... The focus isn't on new music like with Deal.

If Billy was smart he would have rolled the dice with D'arcy while having Jack Bates on retainer in case she couldn't handle the workload. That way it's win-win. It's not like it would cost that much to pay Bates.

I agree with you to an extent. the Breeders are kind of a bad example though. I saw them on the Mountain Battles tour, playing a small University hall and it was a great, intimate show. But it's been 10 years between albums. Say what you want about the quality and direction of Corgan's "SP" output since 2007 but he's always touring with new music. This new tour is a different direction playing 1991-2000 material but it's hardly uncharted territory for a band and not necessary an indicator of the future, if SP has one.

Oh, bought a Breeders shirt outside the venue, stripy long-sleeve, still in the packaging, got home it was a girls. Gave it to my mum :Stupid:

03-04-2018, 09:44 AM
I pretty much agreed with what you said. Lots of h8rs here, Just ignore em. I like darcy and I kinda hate Billy. ..but that doesn't mean Billy is always wrong

no, true. BUT U ARE!!!


03-04-2018, 10:18 AM
no, true. BUT U ARE!!!


You're a very uninteresting character

03-04-2018, 10:28 AM
its your

imbecile swine

Corgan's Bluff
03-04-2018, 10:29 AM
You're a very uninteresting character

03-04-2018, 11:08 AM
There are so many varieties of pine. All beautiful and staying green all year long

03-04-2018, 11:13 AM
I bet Darcy will laugh her ass off if/when nickelback is confirmed

03-04-2018, 11:14 AM
i like pines. they look like gigantor buds

Corgan's Bluff
03-04-2018, 11:29 AM
There are so many varieties of pine. All beautiful and staying green all year long

Corgan's Bluff
03-04-2018, 11:40 AM
I dreamed last night the new feud between D'arcy and Billy was just a lack of communication and they all met at D'arcy's barn to play together for the first time again.

"Keep me searchin' for a heart of gold...", like in the movie "The Princess Bride".

03-04-2018, 11:41 AM

I've always loved this photo

03-04-2018, 12:32 PM
getting that piano up there must have been a feat

Corgan's Bluff
03-04-2018, 12:52 PM
Worth for the unique recording acoustic.

Corgan's Bluff
03-05-2018, 03:31 AM
Alternative Nation's Buttcannon has made three articles now of my translation:rolleyes::




Eric Erlandson - From grunge guitarist to Buddhist monk 2018/01/08

In the 90s, the band Hole was one of the pioneers of grunge and their guitarist was Eric Erlandson. When the band broke up, Erlandson left the music world - and became a monk. Shortly before his 55th birthday, he speaks in the “Deutschlandfunk” about his "Letters To Kurt", self-destruction and spiritual lifeline.
Eric Erlandson in a corso with Marcel Anders 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=f5ccd6

03-05-2018, 07:57 AM
I still think she is going to show up on this tour.

03-05-2018, 09:02 AM
Alternative Nation's Buttcannon has made three articles now of my translation:rolleyes::




Eric Erlandson - From grunge guitarist to Buddhist monk 2018/01/08

In the 90s, the band Hole was one of the pioneers of grunge and their guitarist was Eric Erlandson. When the band broke up, Erlandson left the music world - and became a monk. Shortly before his 55th birthday, he speaks in the “Deutschlandfunk” about his "Letters To Kurt", self-destruction and spiritual lifeline.
Eric Erlandson in a corso with Marcel Anders 35db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg?key=f5ccd6

Dude, it’s not his fault, blame Zuckerburg and Google. If you’re not ripping off the hard work of others, copy/pasting their original research to your piece of shit pariahsite, there’s literally no chance the Twitter algorithymicals will allow your site to even get past Snapchat or Instagrammed

It’s just how the internet WORKS now, sadly

03-05-2018, 12:21 PM
Algos are the new gatekeepers

03-05-2018, 12:24 PM

03-05-2018, 12:38 PM
I still think she is going to show up on this tour.

madm? keep dreaming.
courtney... she might show up to yell at billy from the 15th row.

Corgan's Bluff
03-07-2018, 04:41 AM
Calling him a psycho based on his FB posts not that pic.

Is Patrick still on Facebook? He got blocked for a while from them for posting ethical forbidden material. Couldn't see him now at all anymore... :beatup:

03-07-2018, 11:13 AM
Sounds like ole Mancow is out of a job